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Everything posted by CherryCoke

  1. wow, and people around here complain about WGR? That was painful to listen to... God I hope we win
  2. so true... however, maybe moorman was the problem this whole time....i mean he is one of the few common denominators over the past decade (along with Ralph and King Russ)
  3. Does CJ Laboy represent any punters?! haha lets connect the dots On the other hand, If he represents Moorman, this wasn't the great day in buffalo he was hoping for
  4. haha at the very least, we are all proving that the commericials work! the mysterious ad-counsels are sure getting their money's worth the one with the children using large words is pretty repetitive... Duty! Freedom! Country! Many speak about these ideals, but without action they are just empty words
  5. 26 Born in the town of tonawanda, still live there with my wife Raised a bills and sabres fan....Favorite players as a child in the 90's: Jim Kelly & Matt Barnaby I was a kid during the superbowls (5-8 yrs old). Been a loyal fan my whole life
  6. Damn, poor Ben Button... would have liked to see him contribute this year. But if he wasn't cutting it, they had to let him go...cant make decisions based on sunk costs
  7. im guessing its about john murphy Probably adding a new local show on WGR....maybe 7pm-9? They announced the new Sabres/NHL show yesterday (10am-12)...so it makes sense that they would also do a Bills/NFL show If it was anything to do with player additions they would tell people to go to buffalobills.com...not WGR
  8. These "sources" are SO all over the place! its comical Every few hours there is a new "whisper" of who the bills are interested in... Its seems orchestrated by someone in the organization: sources tells WGR that they want Barron or Gilmore...source says Bills will make a surprise pick....casserly report the bills want tannehill....then they want to move up for kalil.. i know its a stretch, but the only position NOT mentioned by a "source" is....WR in fact, the bills have gone out of there way numerous times to point our how deep the WR pool is.... could this be their target? just seems fishy...
  9. Dont see the big deal about the collars...we had white collars last year as well It will look better with a helmet on
  10. The Kellys are in the building... Jill Kelly ‏ @HJKforever There's no place like home. #RalphWilsonStadium #BuffaloBillsfans Chad Kelly ‏ @chadkelly12 Mario is at One Bills Drive well ill be there in a few hours to see whats up! (this was from an hours ago) Chad Kelly ‏ @chadkelly12 Me and Uncle Jim will be there in a few hours! (this was from an hours ago)
  11. Jim was at the Lagerhaus (next to First Niagara Center) after the sabres game last night having some beers. That was at like 11pm... so unless Mario and his girl hung out with Jill all night, I can almost guarantee that MW did not stay at Jim's house.
  12. ok i've lost it. at 11:11, i made a wish that mario would sign... outloud, at work
  13. Jim was at the Lagerhaus (next to First Niagara Center) after the sabres game last night having some beers That was at like 11pm... so unless Mario and his girl hung out with Jill all night, I can almost guarantee that MW did not stay at Jim's house.
  14. my first thought was TO
  15. Im sure many of you have heard of Lloyd Taco Truck here in Buffalo For those that haven't, last year they pioneered the movement of bringing real "street-food" to the city of Buffalo. If you haven't tried their food, it is excellent They appeared on Channel 7 this morning Channel 7 story Anyway, they are currently in the running for a nation-wide competition for a chance to appear on the next season of the Food Networks "Great Food Truck Race" They are currently ranked 3rd out of over 200 food trucks nation wide (at one point they were in 1st place!) These are some local guys looking to represent Buffalo on National Television and they need your support Every vote counts and you can vote up to 10 times per day Food Network Voting Site Sorry for the long post...Has anyone else had a chance to try their food?
  16. hmmm white helmets? Commmonnnn lets be a little more creative Jets helmet...white Dolphins helmet...white Patriots trowback...white bills new helment...white?!
  17. shawne merriman doesn't think so... via shawne's twitter: http://twitter.com/shawnemerriman
  18. Press conference tomorrow (saturday) at Noon JasonLaCanfora: "Shawne Merriman to be introduced as a Buffalo Bill and meet the media tomorrow at noon, the team announces " http://twitter.com/JasonLaCanfora
  19. Adam schefter confirming: "As Fox reported, Bills are set to claim LB Shawne Merriman. Unless Buffalo changes its mind, Merriman will be a Bill" http://twitter.com/Adam_Schefter
  20. Glazer just posted again: "I'm hearing now even stronger that bills gm buddy nix has gone as far as informing merriman he's claiming him"
  21. From Maybin's twitter: Link
  22. nice sherlock, cant you just have a little fun? or just ruin it immediatly
  23. Link To Article why not try-out?
  24. Mcnabb posts his opinion on his website: McNabb's McWebsite
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