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Everything posted by CherryCoke

  1. None in the Fortune 500...but some not too far off....3 definitely in the top 1000: M&T Bank is ranked 510 (Buffalo) Moog is ranked 836 (East Aurora) Tops is ranked 849 (Williamsville) Rich Products is privately held, so does not make the list, but would be in the 800s Wegmans (Rochester based) is privately held so does not make this list, but based on their expansion outside of NY, would put them in the top 500
  2. interesting.... earlier it was scheduled to go from Lawrence to Buffalo.... it has since changed and is now going to Key West Fl from Lawrence they are either hitting up duval street for drinks and some live music, or they gave us the slip and we are tracking some other rich schmucks heading on vacation
  3. odd stops today... maybe they've switched planes...
  4. hmm i don't know gents....is it just a coincidence that this private jet has been bouncing between rochester, buffalo and palm beach (25 miles from boca) and is now touring the west coast in the exact order the confirmed interviews have taken place.... maybe its just darcy regier following terry around the country to see if he can take over the open czar position
  5. For those interested... Sorry if already posted..saw this on another board...This appears to be the plane Pegula and company are using to tour the country.... Yeah yeah I know it's creepy, but kind of interesting Flight #1: Buffalo to Florida (reported that Russ And Doug went to pegulas house) Flight #2: Florida to Denver (Gase) Flight #3: Denver to Seattle (bevell & Quinn) Flight #4: Seattle to San Fran scheduled for this morning. Who's in SF? Rex? Shanny? http://flightaware.com/live/flight/XSR960/history/20150104/1630Z/KBFI/KSFO
  6. Jesus EJ F***ing Sucks
  7. ...that's one way to bypass the lines at the super-gate
  8. Why? He has contacts in the league (even friends)....like David Caldwell (GM of the jags, from Buffalo).... You're surprised Russ was the one talking to him? Russ isn't making football decisions. He didn't scout the players or make the draft board... He called his buddy in jax and tried to work something out...plus, I'm going to guess he's a damn good negotiator... You don't become president /CEO of a company worth north of 1 Billion, without that skill
  9. But.... Von likes pot too!!!!!!! http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/07/22/report-von-miller-tested-positive-for-amphetamines-marijuana-in-2011/
  10. This might have been posted already (if so, sorry), but this will make you laugh.regardless.... What if he owned the bills?! insane right? at least it would be entertaining... http://youtu.be/d32577Hom08
  11. mary is cheap! (someone had to do it)
  12. EJ was on PFT Live on Tuesday (9/17) and Florio asked him about it... Florio: You had arthroscopic knee surgery in the preseason, any lingering issues? are you at 100%, completely good to go? EJ: Yeah 100%, completely good to go Here is a link to the audio....EJ doesn't come on until about 3/4 the way though. Its worth a listen http://profootballta...uel-pft-planet/
  13. looks like it was Dickerson today.... Dorin Dickerson ‏@scorindorin 24m Just want to say thank you to the #billsmafia you guys have been great. Love you all
  14. Pissin' in the Wind (with a bills logo) Winning Is Hard Super Mario's Dinghy
  15. I think its an interesting idea...but I think it would have issues creating an identity for a program that resides in Buffalo... I think most outsiders would simply assume New York State Univeristy would be located somewhere near NYC..simply because the name of the state is also the name of the biggest city in the state....obviously Florida, Fl and Michigan, MI dont exist...so those schools can exist anywhere in the state, use the name of the state, and create their idenity
  16. Just want to throw it out there that its not like it was between Buddy and Russ Brandon...where they would be more likely to talk honestly and open... this was between two people in a form of negotiation...so anything they said could be posturing For the most part they sounded pretty honest to eachother...but they both have an agenda and want the upperhand... anything they told eachother would be known by other GMs pretty quickly regardless of the phone tap
  17. they do?... who? Sammy morris and maybe Antowain Smith is all I can think of... they tried to scoop up Sam Aiken, Fast Freddy Smith, and Marcus Stroud....but those didnt work out
  18. didnt see this posted yet... this yahoo report is saying that it is likely the Chiefs: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/reports-trade-alex-smith-san-francisco-done-004247921--nfl.html
  19. sigh...athletes are not smart...you really going to hold him to the 20-30% more productive number? BTW just so you dont get it twisted...he does work out....he admitted he doesnt LIFT WEIGHTS january through march (he runs and plays bball)....from April on, he does full scale traning (with weights) in buffalo Look at the guy, he just LOOKS out of shape, right?! If only he had bigger arm muscles! he'd get 300 more yards!!
  20. you might be on to something. Is there a side effect that causes the individual to talk like there are 7 marbles in their mouth?
  21. im not saying what he said wasn't extremely stupid...and to attach hypothetical numbers to it was beyond dumb....especially since some fans truely think athletes should never have any down time at all. I have NO idea why he thought he could say that and not get destroyed for it. From what I could hear, stevie was trying to show leadership, saying the he could work harder and do even more...but it came across horrible BUT STILL, its a non issue....If someone can prove that lifting weights in february for a season that starts in september makes a receiver 30% more effective, then I will blame him. Until then...the only thing that is going to make him any more effective then he already is....would be a QB that could actually hit him in stride
  22. EXACTLY... Schopp's crusade today was irritating...it was completely obvious that he didn't actually hear the interview. Yes, what stevie said was dumb and worded very poorly...and i cringed when he was saying it.....but in reality and in context they were talking about weight training. Stevie said he ran and played bball and stayed in shape, however he admitted he didn't lift the weights during the offseason. ALSO, by off season he was talking about January-March. He said come April 1st hes back in Buffalo ready to work. Schopp's could not believe that stevie admitted and talked about not working out or preparing in the off season (again january-march)....HOWEVER, that idiot was in the same situation and he didn't even know it!..... How can the lead sports talk host go on the air and crusify a player for not being prepared, when at the exact same time he didnt even listen to the interview an hour earlier on his own station?! The #1 WR for the bills was on the biggest sports talk show in the world right before he went on the air..and he didnt hear it? Talk about not being prepared This is a non-story, but those guys are going to make it an issue, unfortunately.
  23. I could be way off, but when russ used the words: "New era for the organization" "New Legacy" "Forward Thinking, Progressive" "Attacking Organization" "Empowering world class people" The only candidate I could picture was Chip Kelly...guys like Whiz or Lovie are NOT forward thinking or progressive! I think russ takes a big swing at Chip...who knows if he can snag him
  24. power ranking WGR people... 1) Howard - professional and logical in his opinions, occasional epic rants 2) Jeremy White - i tend to always agree with him 3) Panther 4) Dan Fisher - witty and funny 5) Bulldog - strikes a good balance between being a fan and being realistic 6) Greg Bauch - hilarious at times 7) Schopp - subtly humerous if you listen close enough, respects nuances 8) Joe B - Knowledgable 9) Sal - Knowledgable 10) Paul Hamilton 11) Kevin Sylvester - i'll give him a pass for now because there is absolutely nothing for him to talk about Throw your rankings out there
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