I stopped posting here a while ago because the right wing bias on the board is so strong. And for these true believers, their political views are almost a matter of religion--facts should never get in the way of their viewpoint. And the only reason I post now is how astonishing it is that given their unwavering faith in their political views, they think that somehow the "intellectual superiority" of their views has been proven because they have driven moderates like me away. They fail to understand that no one is so blind as he who will not see--and it is a waste of my time to try and make them understand based on reason, logic and facts. The social conservatism evidenced here has literally no principled underpinnings--it is simply a view that I should get the government to impose my views on other people because I want to impose my beliefs on others. That, to me, is not social, and certainly not conservative in a a classic libertarian sense. So it is time for me to go again, while the SCs "attaboy" each other here...regards, CD