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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. St. Louis still scares me. I don't understand how their offense sucks that bad with Bulger, Steven Jackson, Tory Holt, Drew Bennett, Donnie Avery, and Randy McMichael. They have been sucking for a long time now, but I wouldn't be surprised to see them explode a couple of times.
  2. There really is NO excuse for an NFL team to look this bad. Where do they get their players, high school? They have their picks in the draft just like anyone else, and high ones at that, there is no reason for that team to look the way they do and be as bad as they are. Its pitiful. Like I said before, I really feel bad for their fans, that is just ridiculous.
  3. Wow. I just realized this game hasn't even reached halftime yet. I thought he was close to being over, that's how horrible it is to watch.
  4. I can't watch this game any longer. I think Oakland is the worst football team I've ever seen. I actually feel bad for them, seriously. On the flip side, has anyone been watching Eddie Royal? My God, he looks like a 10 year vet. He is ripping apart two of the better corners in this league and this is his first NFL game. Wow, what a player. I am very, very impressed.
  5. That would definitely suck. Brett Favre love PLUS patriot love... kill me now.
  6. Look at my original comment that you posted on. Hate to say I told you so. Actually, no I don't.
  7. Belichick would probably be looking for a QB who doesn't necessarily have the strongest arm, but is smart and can read defenses, and also manage the game. Culpepper is a dumbass with a strong arm. Complete opposites.
  8. LB and DT are thin. But boy, I was really impressed with Chambers and the offensive line yesterday.
  9. How is that Karma? They knocked our bad QB out and we were forced to play our good one. Oh man, those guys should get it! And Losman wasn't even really injured. What did he miss, a week? Two? Three?
  10. Well, good thing you don't need to flame me then, you're saving yourself some embarrassment. Who says I'm not enjoying the win? I'm ecstatic. Sorry that I'm not ready to hand the Bills the division and Vince Lombardi trophy after the first week of the season. Do we have a shot? Of course. Better than any in the last 9 years. But who's to say WE won't have key injuries or anything of the like for the rest of the season? Who would have expected Indianapolis, San Diego, and Jacksonville to all lose, while Brady is gone for the season? That was just one week. Imagine what could happen during the next 16.
  11. Don't tell anyone around here that there is still the rest of the season to play. You'll get flamed for being a pessimist.
  12. Dude... we already won the division and are on our way into the playoffs. Stop killing the mood around here. Do you actually think we need to play the next sixteen weeks or something?
  13. I think the real question is, why the hell have you watched the game 4 times already?
  14. Wow, that's weird. I wonder if he was injured? I was watching their game yesterday, watching Miami drive down the field on the Jets with under a minute to go, and they had two or three chances in the redzone to put it in, and I was thinking to myself, "Just throw it up to Wilford. Why aren't they using Wilford?" I guess I found my answer lol.
  15. Does anyone else realize that our "likes" and "dislikes" for commentators/sports writers/analysts is scarily similar to their opinions about the Bills? Weird...
  16. From the movie Shallow Hal, "I can squeez em', that's real enough for me."
  17. I'm confused. When did we make the playoffs? Did I miss the next 16 weeks?
  18. I guess that is supposed to mean Richard isn't doing a good job?
  19. He's pretty solid. How does a 7th rounder this good go undrafted for that long these days? Especially when we need help at that position and he plays in our !@#$ing town!
  20. I doubt Brett Favre will be able to play at any type of high level for a full season. Along with his ability to win games by himself, he also has the ability to lose games by himself. Hopefully at this stage of his career, its more of the latter.
  21. He is still making bonehead plays. The only difference is, now he is starting to also make alright/good plays which semi-masks his retardedness.
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