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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. Schobel is overrated, not underrated. Cue the person to come in with all the stats now.
  2. Since when does the number of passes defensed indicate how good someone is in coverage? What if he's covering people so tightly, they are barely throwing his way? What if he's playing the deep ball so well, that that's why we haven't seen one? Stroud didn't even have 1 tackle against Jacksonville, I guess he played poorly.
  3. You gotta give it to Trent, but wow, Kyle Williams has been outstanding.
  4. Really? Good observation. If Oakland blocked the field goal, we wouldn't have won.
  5. That was absolutely absurd. Even my mother, who knows nothing about football, was asking, "why isn't he trying to stop the clock?"
  6. What happened? I only saw the highlight of the Jags' field goal.
  7. One of my biggest pet peeves. How can Buffalo be called "upstate NY" when we are on a horizontal line that is pretty much in the direct middle of the state. Shouldn't "upstate" be anything from the middle of the state up? Anything above syracuse should be considered "upstate", not everything above NYC. Since when did they become the middle of the state?
  8. First of all, Whitner was in a dead stand still, while Higgins was already sprinting past him, and you expect Whitner to turn around and get to top speed in less than a second to tackle the guy that was already sprinting as fast as he can in the same direction? That makes no sense. Whitner could run a 4.0 in the 40 and you're not going to catch up to a guy while you're flatfooted and he's already running. Second, you make it sound as if its easy finding a safety who is great at both defending the run and the pass. There MAY be three in the league... tops. Whitner is not a cover corner or a ball-hawking free safety. He is on the field because he can come up into the box, make tackles, cause havoc, and be a team leader. He is decent in coverage. If you honestly thought Whitner was going to come into the league, break on routes and intercept passes, and catch kick return-receivers from behind, you really should just find another sport to watch.
  9. If I was the owner of a team who's coach allowed the other team to run the ball down our throats while running the clock down, and my coach didn't stop the clock with any of his 2 timeouts to give us a chance at getting the ball back, or seem to even give a schit that we were about to lose after working that hard all game, I'd have fired him before he could even walk back to the lockerroom.
  10. 67 attempts is crazy, even against a tough run defense.
  11. Kyle has been outstanding this whole season. He and Youboty are quietly on the list of our top 5 defensive players this year.
  12. What does Whitner not breaking and making interceptions have to do with anything? Do you also ask why our corners don't have 100+ tackles?
  13. This is a Bills message board, jackass. You'd find the same thing in reverse on the Patriots board, Jets board, or any other NFL team board.
  14. Its about the weather, mostly. Deferring allows you to make the choice during the second half. Depending on which way the wind is blowing, you can choose the side that gives you the advantage if you need to kick a field goal at the end, or put the wind in the face of the opponent if they need to kick. Playing at the Ralph, deferring is the best option. Also, if your team is getting smacked, or wants to "make a statement" on the first drive of the second half, deferring gives you the option to receive.
  15. He threw a perfect pass, where only the receiver could catch it. The DB reached into Lee's arms and ripped the ball out. How is that Edwards' fault? There was only one place to put that ball, and he put it there. It isn't his fault Lee is a douche and didn't hang onto it.
  16. How was that a stupid throw? It was a perfect pass, actually.
  17. I have so many.... that I can't think of right now haha. Oh, got one. Those stupid "its my money, and I need it now!" commercials. I really can't stand those.
  18. Yeah, as I was watching the game I was like.... are you kidding me? Lol. I didn't mean that they WOULDN'T or COULDN'T score, I just thought it was setting the bar too high to predict we would score so much, and that would be the difference in winning. I still think counting on our defense and special teams to score more, or just as many points, as our offense is... weird to say the least. Obviously I'm happy, but as I was watching the game I knew everyone wouldn't understand lol.
  19. Lol, to the Bulls period. I grew up around the corner from the school my whole life, and always rooted for them to win, until I grew up and became alumni of a school that sort of rivals them. All in all, UB looked to have played extremely well. Beneath the thin layer of former school spirit, I am secretly proud of UB for the long ways they've come. They are certainly no joke anymore, and they proved it today. Unfortunately, I can't "fully" root for them, and sometimes some bitterness comes out lol.
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