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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. What's with everyone spelling it "Jests" lately?
  2. Yeah. Its a hard choice. I don't think we're better than either Denver or Tennessee.
  3. As long as they don't put Vince Young back in, the Titans and their Defense are legit.
  4. "This thread is filled with blah blah blah" And then you go and do the same thing everyone else does.
  5. Its easier to stop a team on 3rd and 10 (this season) than 3rd and 2 (last season). All in all, a great improvement on all downs, IMO.
  6. You act is if the average actually means he gets 10 sacks/year. Only 3 years out of 7 has he gotten 10 sacks or more, so keep pretending he's good for 10 sacks each year just because you know how to divide his total sacks by the number of seasons he has played.
  7. Is he really not ready to run from the 10 yard line into the endzone and jump?
  8. I'm not saying that at all (see: my first post). I have no problem with Hardy not on the field outside of the redzone. Do we need him to make an impact there? No. Reed and Parrish are playing quite well. Also, Hardy just probably isn't good enough yet to replace them. He's young and this is his first year. I don't expect him to do much, and not seeing him is perfectly alright. What I don't like, is not even seeing an attempt to throw the ball to him in the redzone. He was brought in for size in the redzone, not to sit on the bench when we need touchdowns. Is it hurting our team right now? Probably not, but if we don't start throwing the ball to him in the redzone, we're going to look the same as last year.
  9. If you're not going to even attempt to throw him the ball in the endzone, then what was the point of drafting him?
  10. Because not every "6'8'' former basketball player has the skills to play football. Hardy obviously does. Did you see him play at Indiana, the guy is the king of touchdowns. Nice try, though.
  11. Can you remember a game where Schobel was ever dominant? The one season where he put 14 sacks or so, was a good year, but any year other than that he is just sort of... there.
  12. Why would we get rid of Schobel? He is the best coverage-sack DE of all time... nuff said.
  13. Do you always speak in extreme's?
  14. We do have a really good backup in Denney, who's always done more with limited snaps than Kelsay has as a starter. We also drafted a pretty good pass rushing DE in the 3rd round...
  15. Really, are you sure about that? I think that statement is more "mentally challenged", as you say, than anything else in this thread.
  16. The sad part is, Bruce has to say those things in order to get respect. Whenever I see the top 10 DE's ever, Bruce is no where near first on the list. There's always Deacon Jones, Reggie White, Lawrence Taylor, and so on. Bruce is usually down near 4, 5, or 6. IMO, Bruce should be in the top 2.
  17. All of you are making sense.... but seriously, how hard is it to run into the endzone and jump? I'm not buying all this crap about being a rookie, not knowing the offense, or running routes well. When we get into the redzone, how hard is it to catch a fade pass? We haven't even seen one attempt. That was a nice play against Jacksonville, but what's the deal? We don't need him to know the offense right now, all we need him to do is run into the endzone and jump. It can't be that hard.
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