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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. Good for the Giants to show some class and stability as an organization, unlike Greg Schiano not benching his QB for punching another teammate in the face for trying to help him out.
  2. Because Peters made two mistakes visible to our fans' naked eye does not mean he needs to be benched. He has played outstanding, as one of the other posters said, Jauron has stated, "he has played dominant football." Is it fair that because Peters made two mistakes in letting defenders get around him, and those defenders in-turn made great plays on the football, that Peters is more at fault than if the defenders didn't make great plays and instead just sacked Edwards, or missed him completely? What does benching Peters accomplish, isn't the point that he isn't in game shape, and that's where we want him and need him to be? He's not going to get ready for games by taking walk-through reps in practice each week. Having Peters get the rust off for a few weeks, and then having him at his Pro Bowl level is better than shifting the two thirds of the offensive line for the entire season.
  3. Isn't Williams "playing like a beast" because of Stroud's presence next to him? Stroud is man-handling one and two offensive lineman and still is able to push them back into the backfield. Williams did not get any bigger or any faster from last year to now. He is the same player, he is just getting the opportunity to use his talents now. He hasn't had those opportunities with the sorry players we are used to calling defensive tackles next to him. And onto McCargo, I don't think your point about being in great shape has much validity because as our 4th DT, he was inactive the first game. The only reason he was active for Jacksonville was because of the heat and the need to rotate in players was much greater in that game, and against Oakland, a running team that likes to wear down defenses. IMO, we are in diar need of adding another DT for '09. We are one injury away from last season's defense.
  4. I think that applies to corners and free safeties, but not necessarily a strong safety. As a strong safety, most of the time they are required to be the up in the box. That 8th man often is not accounted for in offensive blocking schemes, leaving the strong safety available to make a lot of tackles if he is good at what he does. Now, if your safety stays back in coverage and has 100 tackles, you may have to worry.
  5. I like the Fandemonium because if your project is about keeping the Bills here, you could market how awesome the fan base is here, as opposed to Toronto where they can't even sell out the one game. You could express the passionate fans and stories over the years, as well as attendance records for the league, there's a lot there, IMO.
  6. Believe me, more than you knew it.
  7. Uh... have you ever seen a Titans game?
  8. I know. Last year I just wanted us to play horrible teams and get wins. This year I want to play tough teams to see what we're made of. Now I know how John Kerry feels.
  9. Can we please play a good team that isn't in complete dissaray(sp?)? I really want to find out how good we are. I guess I have to wait until next week.
  10. Ron Jeremy..... or was it Reggie Germany...
  11. Why are you limiting it to a defensive lineman? I'd go Whitner, with Poz a close second.
  12. If he did buy the Bills, does he intend to keep them here? I'd be reeeal nervous.
  13. Their defense was man-handling us all day. We had just come off a drive where we went down the field and scored, I don't think the Raiders thought we would be able to do the same thing again, and then again to get a field goal.
  14. I agree. The Jets usually have a top return game, probably a ST that doesn't rank too far behind ours each year.
  15. Stroud didn't have 1 tackle against Jacksonville. He sucks. Guess you can't argue with that, stats don't lie.
  16. Name me a player who is dominant during an NFL game when they can barely walk during the week? Do you follow football? Do you know the injuries LT is battling with right now? Don't you think playing at "75%" that he's not going to be "dominant"?
  17. Throwing the game means he did something to intentionally lose the game, and we all know, they weren't going to win anyways
  18. He's done extremely well in all of the games so far. Such a great turn-around from last year. Its nice to see he made an effort this offseason to watch film and make himself and this team better.
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