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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. My God. The original poster asked for your opinion, in no way did he give his. Everyone that is mad at him for "posing a question" needs to re-read the post. He didn't say he wants the song gone, he asked what YOU want.
  2. Good post. Its nice getting a reminder to keep things in perspective and to enjoy our early success.
  3. These debates are only to help you decide who will !@#$ up the country less. That's what the two party system has done to our "free" country.
  4. Not necessarily. Its based upon a number of factors, scholarships a part of it, such as the percentage of the makeup of the school (women vs. men) in relation to sports teams, money allocated to all programs (women vs. men), I could really go into a lot of things, but you get the idea...
  5. Thank God. I was never a fan of having people's real pictures up for everyone to see.
  6. I'm not sure if you're joking or not, but if you aren't, Title IX is for equality as a WHOLE for a university. Its not really, "you have a men's tennis team so now you have to have a women's tennis team" it counts everything as a whole. So, having a Women's Health Center probably balances out the difference between men and women's programs at that specific university, keeping them from having to either add more women's teams, or cutting men's teams. You can meet the requirements of Title IX by having one of three criteria.
  7. In the words of Chris Rock, "The only place you can get a VCR for $1.25"
  8. So he doesn't get a cop who buys the tickets from him and then arrests him, I guess. I always got mine from the "I need tickets" guy.
  9. I'm sorry, but how can our strength of schedule (or lack there of) NOT even be on the list? IMO, its the number ONE reason we are playoff contenders.
  10. Reminds me of this one. Brandon Lloyd. This isn't the best angle of it, if anyone can find a different video of it you'll see how great it was.
  11. I don't even know why he would ATTEMPT to do something like that, that's the part that amazes me, and then he hangs onto it while doing a flip. It seems like you'd try to jump in front of the DB or behind him to catch the ball, not hug the guy and trap it on his back LOL. I don't think there could ever be a better catch for me.
  12. Its blurry, but they show it up close, plus there are a bunch more in the "related videos" sidebar.
  13. That's awesome, but I still think that catch the Alabama receiver had on the DB's back was the greatest I've ever seen, and I don't think there could ever be one to top it, IMO.
  14. This is the most comical thread I've seen on here in a long time. None of you like myspace because its used to stalk 14 year old girls and facebook is more professional, so instead you're all on facebook stalking football players
  15. Is it possible to scalp if you're going with 5 or 6 people and want to all sit next to each other?
  16. Everything about this post had me laughing When my father was younger, he gave me a lesson about farting at work. He told me a story about him having to let one go in the office one time. He said the brewing in his bowels was so bad, he had to run to the bathroom because he knew it was going to be gigantically loud. As he ran into the bathroom, he took a quick look under the stalls to make sure no one was there. He saw no legs and he let go a 6 pointer on the richter, followed by a long and pleasant sigh of relief. He then heard a laugh so loud coming from one of the stalls. It turns out some guy was on the pot and lifted his legs up when he heard my father come in. My father quickly ran out to save himself further embarrassment.
  17. Also, it was reported that Wire may not even be able to play football again, let alone recover and be the same player he was. So I don't think its fair to ask if the decision to let him go was a mistake because why would anyone hang on to a guy like that who has a possible career ending injury? I think if he was never injured and was just cut for personel reasons, maybe we can have the debate of if it was a bad decision or not, but that wasn't the case.
  18. It seems as though in our system, and with a great coach in Bobby April, that good/great special teamers are easily replaceable. Wendling has come out of nowhere this year, as has George Wilson. Before this year I didn't know Wilson was such a great player on ST. Also, guys like Corto, DiGiorgio, and Bryan Scott have really stepped up. I don't think it was a mistake because of the Bills' ability to cycle through and find great replacements.
  19. That is very sad, thoughts and prayers. Does it seem like these types of things happen more to athlete's children, or does it only seem that way because we hear about it, and its really happening everywhere?
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