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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. The player that Antoine is now was not the player he was in Buffalo. He always covered and tackled really well, but he never made the plays and forced the turnovers here like he's doing in Minnesota. I think he made more interceptions his first year in Minnesota than he did all of his career in Buffalo, or its close. Someone should check that. I'm not saying we should have let him go, he was one of my favorite players, but its not as if he was making those plays here and we let him walk.
  2. Where do you get your figures, bonerforschobel.com? Do you not consider these players to be defensive lineman? DE Justin Smith 28 tackles DT Tank Tyler 23 tackles DE James Hall 22 tackles DT Domata Peko 22 tackles DT Tony Brown 21 tackles DE Trent Cole 21 tackles DE Travis Kirschke 21 tackles DE Turk McBride 21 tackles DT Albert Haynesworth 20 tackles DT Jay Ratliff 20 tackles DT Chris Hovan 19 tackles DE Aaron Kampman 19 tackles DE Robert Mathis 19 tackles DE Aaron Smith 19 tackles DE Aaron Schobel 19 tackles First, you argue that Schobel is good because he makes tackles... to which you might want to check that list and notice how bad those d-lineman are that are leading the league, with the exception of a few. Second, you can't even get your facts right on a point that actually proves the other side. If Schobel being good against the run and making tackles is all you've got for arguing that: as a right defensive end he is productive, I'd say you lose. I'll leave the "good against the run" and "makes tackles" to my left defensive end, I want my right defensive end getting sacks.
  3. If Royal was not a great receiving threat but could block his ass off, I'd be happy with him being on the field. The problem is, its not that he isn't a factor in the passing game, its the fact that he hurts our team with stupid boneheaded plays. He has hurt our team in games every single year he's been here, and IMO, there is no place for that. Not having skills in one area is one thing, but being a complete dumbass and hurting our team the way he has is quite another.
  4. Billszone.com is less offensive for those who don't want to be "offended." Maybe you guys should make a visit over there...
  5. Does anyone remember the score of the game at that time? Because I think it was still in reach at that point, because I remember thinking we shouldn't challenge if we needed the timeout at the end. In hindsight, we got blown out, but I think at the time we were maybe 14 points down or so? Not sure.
  6. Is that really the rule? I thought it either had to be a knee or elbow, nothing else.
  7. Ah yes, catching the ball is a lot more important in a safety than actually being able to cover someone and make a tackle. Good thing you're not the coach.
  8. There is no way that was going to be overturned, his knee never hit the ground and neither did the ball. Even if it was very very close, it would have had to be overwhelmingly noticeable to overturn their original call, which it wasn't. If there is someway you can, you should look at it again. I also don't agree with the posters who say he should have challenged the play based on the moral of the team. Since his knee never hit the ground, and it wouldn't have been overturned, wouldn't that be worse? First, the players are dropped to a low because of the fumble, and instead of going right back out there for the next play, they hold hope for a few mins that the call will be overturned, only to be taken back down when it wasn't. Good job by DJ and the guys looking at the plays upstairs.
  9. I'm sure your posts are always perfect and amazing. At least he has the balls to post his real opinions, where you just sit there criticizing them.
  10. I thought about this, too. I felt like the defense pretty much can't win. Your two options are to either blitz, giving up big plays because there's no way you can reach the QB in time and cover the WRs, or you can sit back and try to just cover, and we all know that never works. Then again, the Giants seemed to figure it out against the Pats last year. At least we know its possible.
  11. That is the most retarded statement I've seen in some time. Hey, jackass... do you know how many return touchdowns the Bills have had in recent years? But you're right... our special teams has never heard of blocking.
  12. He kind of just runs straight, never really makes cuts or moves. And if there's a guy in his way, he just runs straight into him.
  13. We could have had Montana back there today and it wouldn't have mattered. Our defense couldn't stop anyone.
  14. "Great" is a very strong word. You can't possibly tell me that you thought the Bills were a "great" team even before this game.
  15. No way, that girl's had more cocks than the farms of the midwest.
  16. I just can't find huge fake knockers attractive. Some of the pics they look real, but I think its that second one where they could be fake, don't know though.
  17. All this, and no drafting DB's and return men jokes? You guys are really slipping.
  18. I just... could not disagree more, and have no idea what to say to that.
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