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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. Thank God that lazy piece of crap is off this team. Props to the Bills for admitting a mistake. Here's crossing my fingers we got a 3rd rounder in return.
  2. Are you really wishing that the Bills followed the footsteps of other organizations with a combined record of 10-12 so far?
  3. I'd rather have Whitner, Stroud, Marshawn, Trent, Poz, Leodis, Hardy, Dockery, Walker and Kawika Mitchell before I'd have gone after a TE. The Bills agreed.
  4. Attempting and being successful are two different things. If you honestly don't see that the Bills have "attempted" to find and draft a TE, then you should take a look at our recent drafts. Just because we weren't successful in finding one doesn't mean we didn't look.
  5. Relax guys, he's just being rebellion.
  6. Wow, you guys are lucky. $3.45 is the cheapest its been in months here in B-Lo.
  7. Congratulations! As Chris Rock would say, "You might as well wake up every morning, look yourself in the mirror and say !@#$ YOU!"
  8. This should be moved to the off the wall board.
  9. You should really be a scout for an NFL team, since you have the ability to make skill-based comparisons after only a few games.
  10. I still think Beck can develop into a decent QB. With some of the abortions I've seen this year under center, he'd be at least another option for some teams that are thin.
  11. I thought it was tomorrow at 4pm.
  12. We could go old school and just throw em' off a cliff.
  13. OH MY GOSH, I'm just so offended.... STOP PLEASE STOP
  14. And I'm sick of people crying over words. If you don't like to read certain words, then don't post or read on message boards (which are notorious for people trying to boost their egos). Of course there are things that are going to offend people, including me, but I'm not going to expect everyone to stop because I don't like it. If people don't want to be called retards or whatever offensive names that are being thrown around, maybe they should stop saying retarded things.
  15. I do, too. I never would have thought then that he'd turn into the playmaker he has, though.
  16. I like Schobel's game for all the reasons you point out. The problem is, that game is usually found in an adequate, non-pro bowl, low salaried left defensive end. I think on other teams, Schobel would be a very valuable player, but with our lack of pass rush he just becomes one of everyone else, which is a good hardworking player that sticks his nose in there. I like Schobel for his effort and toughness, but we desperately need a pass rusher. We didn't pay him that money to be an average, all around DE. He's got to start making some noise in the sack department. When he does that, he's one of the best DE's in football, but when he doesn't, he becomes a dime-a-dozen player.
  17. Actually, I apologize for my snarkness, rough day. But I don't think its a valid argument.
  18. Exactly, next time try clicking the "total" option so it sorts out the numbers. You'll see he's not number 1, he's actually tied for 11th. But like I said before, look at that list of players, I don't think your argument is valid.
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