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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. PSU is lucky that Pryor was just inserted as a true freshman. He made some plays, but it was quite obvious, with the vanilla play calling, that the OSU coaching staff was not willing to let the Pryor loose with the playbook. Even the announcers, who are borderline retarded, kept saying that OSU was playing to not make a big mistake.
  2. So are you trying to imply that Haslett got shafted? Because its actually better for him. He became the coach of a team that has lost something like 17 of their last 20 games, and has looked to be turning them around. If he became a free agent coach at the end of the year, he'd have every team in need of a coaching vacancy virtually banging down his door. He would probably get a nice, fat deal from an organization that likely is in a better situation than St. Louis, not to mention a fresh start with a lot more money. If they didn't have that rule, he might be stuck with only one option - coaching the dead beat Rams. Now he can pick whatever he wants. He can field offers, and if they don't knock his socks off, he can probably just return to the Rams.
  3. Good, so if he gets 100 yards and 2 TD's tomorrow, you won't be saying he was the better receiver, right?
  4. IMO, the pass protection HAS gotten better, but that doesn't mean that before it was crap. Just got from good to really good, IMO.
  5. I agree, however, is he playing center this week? I know Fowler has been practicing but Butler is out, so perhaps we'll see Fowler at center and Butler at RG? If Fowler can play, I'd rather have that combo than Preston at center and whatever scrub at RG.
  6. Dean, are you really going to take one or a few plays, and try to make that seem like the majority? If you think the pass protection has been bad this season, you've got extremely high standards. Do you expect there to be no sacks at all? Come on, be realistic. Our pass protection has been near outstanding, and run blocking below average. Of course there are going to be sacks, and blitzes that go unblocked. Just because Trent got sacked once in the Arizona game, it doesn't mean we suck at pass protection.
  7. The pass protection was never the problem. It has been the run blocking.
  8. You guys are ridiculous. In the beginning of the season it was well known around here, and everywhere, that it would probably take Hardy at least a year in order to grasp the playbook and NFL talent and speed. Now, 6 weeks later, you're mad he hasn't broken out yet. Last time I checked, a year was more than 6 weeks.
  9. What game were you watching? I'm not saying Preston played that bad, because Williams is a beast against even the best of centers, but there is no possible way you can say Preston "handled" Williams. Williams was consistently blowing past him, getting into the backfield, and causing havoc. And what have you seen to say the Bills line "is finally clicking"? We still can't run the damn ball.
  10. He might actually be in at RG this week. Butler hasn't practiced at all from his knee sprain.
  11. Hey, Dean. In, real life, do you normally, speak in, pauses?
  12. Well, we can afford for the slower, bigger personnel change. Its not like Pennington will be throwing the deep ball this week.
  13. They both spend about as much time in the backfield as Marshawn Lynch.
  14. Absolutely. But then the Bills don't owe the fans an apology when you can't get in because its jammed.
  15. If Trent was back there, would our offense have sustained some drives and kept Warner on the bench more? Sure. But the fact is, Arizona scored on almost every single possession, and without Whitner and the rest of the defense stepping up, it doesn't matter WHO was at QB. Trent wouldn't have led the offense to score every time, and that's what we would have needed him to do. As a captain, I expect him to endorse Trent, but I also expect him to stand up and admit that he and the defense played bad and lost them that game, and not push the blame somewhere else. I don't expect a defensive captain to say that with a different QB back there, we would have won. Especially when the defense was THAT bad. I love Whitner, but come on.
  16. Sorry, but with that last sentence, Donte is full of schit.
  17. Well, I can't speak for today's game, but usually many don't like making the half walk around the stadium to their actual gate.
  18. I'm not saying you. Its the majority of people in front and behind you that causes you trouble. The scanners weren't working today, which only adds to the chaos. But the drunk retards that see a gate and try to all cram into it is the majority of problems with getting in. Today just seemed to be worse.
  19. The Bills owe the fans an apology because the dumbass people that buy tickets all try and jam into the first few gates in sight, instead of the ones on their ticket?
  20. Anyone writing off Hardy and saying he's had his chance this season is a moron.
  21. You'd think a guy that can't get to the QB would be there for containment.
  22. Dude... she looks like she's 10 years old
  23. Do you really think the Bills were going to not sign or promote anyone to the 53 man roster after the trade? Because if you don't, that's called a plan. Just because you weren't aware of what the next step was, doesn't mean one didn't exist.
  24. Does anyone know why he would wait a month after the injury to have surgery? It was already up in the air whether he'd be ready for the opener next year, wouldn't that just delay the process another month?
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