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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. So now a coach needs to act like an ass in order to be dubbed as "having a passion for the game"?
  2. What a mess of an organization. Sorry that I couldn't add anything original about the Raiders.
  3. He is juking the defenders who got past the line of scrimmage. He has to juke someone almost immediately after receiving the handoff.
  4. To me, a #1 receiver is not necessarily a big play guy. He is someone that you count on to get open on 3rd downs and when you need that big touchdown. He makes big plays, but doesn't have to always be your "deep threat" receiver. Lee Evans is by far our best receiver, but we're not at the point where we can count on him to make plays at crucial times in games. Whether he can or can't do that, I don't know, all I'm saying is I haven't seen that yet. I like a number one receiver to put up numbers like Lee put up last week - a lot of catches. We're used to seeing Lee with 3 or 4 catches a game, and that's not a number 1 receiver IMO. I think he can be that, though. I feel like he is still learning and always getting better. I've seen a lot of encouraging things from him this season, and he's really grown up. Hopefully he can continue his maturing and develop into that guy I was describing.
  5. Are you calling them a "real sports town"?
  6. The people of Philadelphia suck.
  7. Ok, so you keep Preston at center this week, and who plays RG?
  8. Can someone please spell the damn guy's name right? Bueller..... Bueller...
  9. I think Peters has enough to worry about at the LT position.
  10. Did you really just ask if Indy losing is a good thing? No, its horrible. I obviously want them to have a great record and make the playoffs.
  11. ITS 7 GAMES INTO THE SEASON, MY GOD. Are you out of your !@#$ing mind that 7 games into his first season he's a bust? Holy crap.
  12. How about the TWO deep in's by Ginn, the one resulting in the 60-something yard play. Nice try.
  13. Stop assuming "we were unprepared" has anything to do with the coaches, and you'll have your answer
  14. Who was going to play, Reggie Corner? Youboty was inactive with injuries, and McKelvin proved that he can't even cover a hot cup of coffee. On a normal day, yes, take him out. But when you don't have options, its better to hope the rust wears off than to put in McKelvin who you KNOW isn't going to be any better at this point. They waited, and waited, and waited... McGee's rust wasn't coming off, so they took him out. Do you honestly think that McKelvin was going to come in and shut people down? Its pretty hard to throw the ball when the defense is consistently dropping 7 men into coverage. Don't you think we should run the ball to get them out of it? As much as I hated some of the calls, the fact is, its what you've got to do. If you can't run the ball and make that defense stop dropping into coverage, they're just going to keep doing it. Our offense struggled. I honestly don't recall many missed tackles. Did you watch Miami's defense? They were far worse at tackling than we were. We were getting first downs and keeping drives alive over their missed arm tackles. I can't say our defense was allowing the same. How did you think that idiot looked against San Diego, Jacksonville, and pretty much every other game so far this year? What about last year? I doubt you were calling him an idiot before this game, so chill the f*ck out. One game and he's an idiot? Unbelievable.
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