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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. You're right. With 3 exciting teams that are all tied with each other for winning the division and winning a playoff birth, they should be talking about the team in last place with no shot of winning anything this year.
  2. Forget the communication. How does he not feel that there are no hands pressing against his tant?
  3. There's no way I'd sit Romo on any given week, and especially for the struggling Roethlisberger. There's just too many weapons for the great Steelers defense to try and cover--Owens, Witten, Roy Williams, Crayton. The Steeler's only shot is if they can get consistent pressure on Romo, which is certainly attainable with the way Harrison is playing this year. But Roethlisberger isn't a good option, IMO. He's been playing with injuries this whole season.
  4. Thigpen, and its not even close. I'd take him over Garrard even if Garrard was playing the Lions. Thigpen is just a better fantasy quarterback, plus Garrard is up against Chitcago's defense.
  5. O-Line: Peters, Dockery, Butler, Walker, Preston, Chambers, Bell. D-Line: Bryan, Denney, Ellis, Stroud, Johnson, Williams. I could care less if both Schobel AND Kelsay are gone. Denney gives as much, or more, than both of those players.
  6. Tebow can be my starting tight end any day.
  7. I side with PTR. Gill is not going to Syracuse. The only way he leaves UB this year is if a big time, can't miss school gives him an offer. He's not going to jump ship for a school that's "better" than UB but still is meaningless.
  8. I believe Ray Lewis signed an extension.
  9. Generally speaking, who would you start? Frerrotte isn't as good of fantasy QB as JP is, but he IS going against the worst team this week in the Lions. JP does well against Miami.
  10. Astro, I've always liked your knowledge, but are you really saying that you think a 5th round, special teams linebacker who blew out his knee and has never played a down in the NFL, or a down of football in a year and a half, can step in and be the starting OLB for the Buffalo Bills? And that the Bills can go into the offseason assuming all of this and not addressing the position? I know he's got great speed, but no one has ever seen him play at the NFL level, and he's coming off reconstructive knee surgery.
  11. Actually, if I recall correctly, I think it's more near 220lbs.
  12. Your bright spot bobbled nearly every pass thrown to him and fumbled the ball in the redzone.
  13. How you choose to kick a field goal, when our offense finally gets down the field for once and you know they will not get down there again, with under 5 mins to play, down a touchdown is beyond me. Even if we made the field goal we needed to go down AGAIN and score a TOUCHDOWN. That is the single-dumbest coaching decision I've seen all year.
  14. The original poster asked, "How did UB lose to Kent State" as if UB is some monumental team that can't lose to anyone.
  15. And? They finished 1 game ahead of Temple in the division, that was the game Temple handled them and lost on the hail mary. Implying that UB can do no wrong because they are "division champs" is crazy. Its still UB.
  16. Can those guys even get off their couch?
  17. Are you serious? Haynesworth was virtually an unknown commodity for the duration of the college season that year, and shot up draft boards after the season based on his size/speed ratio, skill set and potential. He didn't show much in college, and was considered lazy. His character once he would get millions of dollars was in serious question. I know back then, I wouldn't have touched the guy, and a lot of other people felt the same way. He was drafted high anyway by some team that took a chance, and it worked out in the best possible scenario. When it doesn't work out, you are left with guys like Gerrard Warren, Dewayne Robertson, Jonathan Sullivan and Jimmy Kennedy, among many others. Its not as if we passed over an established, sure fire DT. I know I wouldn't have taken that risk, and I don't blame the Bills for feeling the same way. Too bad the choice we actually made turned out to be the player I feared Haynesworth to be.
  18. People have had to stop playing altogether from turf toe. LT still is.
  19. No one said he's been getting destroyed. No one said he's been playing a bunch of crap. No one said he's our center of the future. Christ.
  20. Keep: RB Fred Jackson CB Jabari Greer OL Kirk Chambers FS George Wilson QB Gibran Hamdan OL Duke Preston DL Copeland Bryan LB John DiGiorgio
  21. He's been playing very good. And good this whole season. People like to rag on him, but what do you expect from any center that is going up against Shaun Rogers, Kris Jenkins, Vince Wilfork, Jason Ferguson, and Jamaal Williams right over your face in consecutive weeks? Sometimes, having a good game can simply mean not having a bad one. The fact that he didn't get completely blown up time after time is impressive. Did anyone see what Jamaal Williams did to Jeff Saturday, probably the best center in football, yesterday? Duke has held his own, and done a very, very good job.
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