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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. I can't remember the last time I saw us run a slant on the goal line.
  2. Other than a few nice hits, and I mean few, I don't recall him EVER making a big play.
  3. Anyone that thinks our defense is good, really needs to watch.
  4. Its embarrassing that our pass rush is so bad, that the Jets can afford to use 3 men to block Stroud.
  5. I'm sure Warner, Collins, and Garcia would all love to give up their starting jobs to come play left bench for one of the worst franchises in the National Football League.
  6. Crowell is not our best Linebacker, Mitchell is. Poz is behind him, and then Crowell.
  7. I've seen both Luigis and Wood, and I'm not very impressed. Wood is VERY light at the position, regardless of what his weight says. If he's getting consistently bull rushed in college, Wilfork, Jenkins and Ferguson are going to have their way with him. I'll probably post this a hundred times from now until the draft, but what I believe the Bills need in a center is a very strong, stout player who will be able to stand up to the large 3-4 DT's over his face for half the year. It does us no good to draft the smart-smallish center, we already have that in Fowler. I believe we need a smaller in height, larger in weight-type center, who is very good in the run game, and that is EXACTLY what I see when I watch Caldwell. Mack might be the best overall center, but for the Bills needs, Caldwell fits the bill better. Again, I will end up posting this a hundred times from now until draft day, because most fans just look at the "expert rankings" for centers, see some guy named Mack at the top, and vow that's who we must draft and that he's the best.
  8. IMO, Caldwell is the best center in the draft. Better than Mack.
  9. I'd be happy to take Mangina in place of Jauron.
  10. "You've all heard of people using extenze, the new product for male enhancement. Well, I've decided to extend my Dick as well. He'll be back for another season. With my new extension, we'll be able to play harder, faster, and able to sustain ourselves for a full 60 minutes. No more starting out fast and going 5 and 1, only to loose our momentum and shrink our playoff chances. My Dick's extension will add length at the end of the season, and into the playoffs. Buy our season tickets and get a live show for our new and extended Buffalo Bills!"
  11. That's funny, because he and Whitner have started the same number of games this year, yet Leonhard has more tackles. He also has more tackles than Bryan Scott and Ko Simpson. Leonhard has more tackles than any safety on our roster. I saw Leonhard take down Brandon Jacobs head on, one on one, at the goal line to prevent a touchdown. Anyone who can do that to Jacobs can tackle, and tackle well. I'm not even going to answer your other comment about yardage, because it has no factual content, which has no validity. Leonard was not on the field to play in the box and make tackles. He was on the field because he was smart in coverage, and knew where everyone was supposed to line up. He had 2 interceptions in the first two games he started last year for us, I believe. Not to mention that he is beyond valuable on special teams. He can run down the field on coverage and he can also return the ball. So, I repeat, Leonhard is no where near horrible. You can try arguing that he's not top echelon, not an all-star, or even that he's not a play maker, but he is certainly far from horrible.
  12. He means if they are both unpopular, they can hang out together, not leave together. I think...
  13. McNabb causes one of the worst headaches in the league from the QB position. I would not be happy with him here at all.
  14. If I were McDaniel, I'd rather stay OC in New England than be a HC in Buffalo. Even if he wanted to realllly be a HC someday, there will be better opportunities than Buffalo.
  15. No, actually it would be the second part, where it states this: When I care what you and the rest of the morons think of me, I'll make sure to let you know.
  16. No, it's my nature to reply critically and sarcastically to people who post retarded statements. If you want something other than a sarcastic response, then don't post something incredibly stupid like complaining that there should be more mentioned about the Bills other than we lost in Toronto. Our team blows, and you are complaining about why the media isn't giving us attention. How about we actually play well, and then see what happens? Did you not notice how Trent Edwards was the next coming of Tom Brady, and was on every radio show across the country when we were winning? If you ask me, I'm glad no one is talking about us, because the only things to talk about are how bad we suck and how our season fell apart. Most people around here complain that the national media consistently bashes the franchise, and now you're complaining that the national media ISN'T bashing the franchise? Sorry, but that will, day in and day out, inspire a critical and sarcastic response from me any day of the week.
  17. See: the team we just played. -Joey Porter? Was outstanding in Pittsburgh when he had a great head coach. Went to the Dolphins who had a schitty coach and did absolutely nothing. Dolphins get a good coach and Porter is in the running for defensive MVP. -Chad Pennington? Sucked balls, was competing with some guy named Kellen Clemons for the starting gig and was losing, and eventually cut outright by the Jets. Goes to Miami and rips half the league apart. I could go on with every team in the league who has "all-stars" that can't do schit with a bad head coach.
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