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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. Actually, your logic makes no sense, but its ironic because even if you play out your scenario that doesn't make sense, its still not a good decision. Here's why. You're assuming before the play starts that you will complete the pass and get the first down. Ok, I'll assume you're correct. So, we complete the pass, its the start of the inside of the 2 min warning. We are at 1st and 10, Jets have 2 timeouts. In my scenario, I'm going to assume that we would have gotten a total of 5 yards on 2 downs of rushing. I don't think you can make an argument that we wouldn't have gained a total of 5 yards on 2nd down and then 3rd down. So, we run the ball instead of the bootleg. Lets say we don't get the first down, but we are a few yards closer. Its now the 2 min warning, 3rd and short for Buffalo, Jets 2 timeouts. We run on the ball on short yardage and get the first down. If you're going to assume we pass for the first down I'm going to assume we can run a few yards for it. The Jets would take a time out, and it'd be 1st and 10 with the Jets only having 1 timeout instead of your scenario where they'd have 2. This is a messed up logic, because you are forcing me to make an argument based on assumption (because that's what your entire philosophy is also based on). But, even if we do that, you're still wrong.
  2. Um, no. First of all, it wasn't a "keep the drive alive or kick to them" situation. It was 2nd and 5. Had it been a crucial 3rd down or something, you may have an argument. But, there was absolutely no way you pass the ball there. 2nd down? Are you serious?
  3. You know what you've got in JP, he's been here for a while. You know he's a QB that holds onto the ball way too long, doesn't make good decisions, and is careless with the football. As a coach, why would you put him in a position at the end of the game where he needs to make a good decision, be careful with the ball, and get rid of it quickly? That is why its the coach's fault. We know JP is a jackass, why would you put him in that position? Ridiculous. I said this in the game thread, but its like blaming the tiger when he eats the trainer. He's only being himself.
  4. The ball hung up there for a good while. Does anyone know why the receivers stood around no where near where the ball was coming down?
  5. How can anyone blame JP for that? He's a QB that is known for holding onto the football and being careless. Then we put him into that position? That's like blaming the tiger when he eats the trainer.
  6. I wonder if we can actually run for first downs to ice the game.
  7. Lynch is having a great day. Guess that means we lose again.
  8. How the hell can you call intentional grounding when the ball was tipped at the line of scrimmage? Unbelievable.
  9. That is why we shouldnt blitz. We never get there and its just 2 less guys in coverage.
  10. That interception was the result of whoever the hell pushed that pocket right into Favre's face. Great job.
  11. Liability in coverage? Haven't you seen him completely shut down the top TE's in the game one on one? He's our best safety. The strong safety basically IS an extra linebacker. Stop the run and cover the TE, and that's what he does.
  12. Scott is our best safety. The reason you see Simpson is because Donte plays corner in the nickle package and Ko comes in at Safety.
  13. Probably because they are playing 4 deep across the field?
  14. Leon Washington is one of the quickest players in the whole league, and people think Simpson sucks because he couldn't catch him from behind.
  15. Holy crap, we have all 3 timeouts left at the end of a half? Wow.
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