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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. You don't watch much college football do you? Just looking at heights and weights, are we? You must have missed Antione Caldwell from Alabama.
  2. I agree. I've seen him a lot and I just can't tell where all the hype is coming from. To me, he is a very lazy player. He doesn't run, he doesn't chase down plays. Its almost as if when the ball isn't run right at or near him, he gives up on the play. And for the DE Michael Johnson, he isn't what we're looking for. He is a very good DE, but he's not a pass rush monster. He's solid and very good against the run, but just isn't quick enough for a consistent pass rush. Much like the DE's we've got. Everette Brown is what we need IMO.
  3. Question - have you seen any of them play, or do you just look at the rankings?
  4. Actually, I do. Schobel was on ESPN's mic'd up for the Seahawks game and kept saying those things over and over in the huddle. We talked about this earlier in the year in this thread, specifically post #9 and after. I watched this clip live, as did many other Bills fans, so next time do a little research and maybe you won't look like such a fool. Are you really trying to compare a starter's statistics in '07 to a backup's statistics in '07? Yeah Denney played in the same number of games... ON SPECIAL TEAMS! Retard. Maybe he got a few snaps in on defense. And no statistics from '07 or sooner are going to prove that Schobel in '09 is the same player. He's lost a step, or even two or three, and he himself can feel it. I don't care if he had 100 sacks on '07 or '06. Right now, he is not the same player and its quite obvious.
  5. Tell me what Schobel gives that Denney doesn't, because Schobel hasn't been able to rush the passer in over 2 years. His skills and quickness is gone, he even said it himself. Now people still like him because he's "good against the run." Well, aside from the occasional lapse on reverses, so is Denney. And I believe Denney also has the most sacks on the team. 2 years ago it would be a travesty to compare Schobel and Denney. But right now, they are equal players.
  6. Can you explain how a DT, or anyone for that matter, can somehow make Kelsay and Schobel acquire actual pass rushing moves and quickness, and beat an OT one on one? Lets get someone that makes Robert Royal a better pass receiver, too.
  7. Anyone who thinks Maualuga can only play MLB obviously hasn't seen him play.
  8. Didn't the Cowboys just trade a 1st and 3rd rounder for him? Now you want them to turn around and trade him for a 2nd and 6th? Right....
  9. That's why I don't fault them for getting pissy with callers.
  10. So you think his... lack of enthusiasm, I guess, is more of the combination of the pair not being comfortable working together? I can't really comment on how "football smart" he is in general, because again, I don't really hear him say much that is thought provoking. He kind of just laughs a lot. I didn't hear him before, either. The only exposure I've had to him has been on that program with Schopp. I guess you can understand why I don't really enjoy him. I don't hate him, or think he's bad, I just don't see what he adds to the show. If he wasn't there I certainly don't think the show would be missing anything. Seems like a nice guy, though. Overall I think the people around here are too hard on WGR. Its easier to complain when there's only one sports station and newspaper in town.
  11. Was that an attempt to say that Trent doesn't have time to throw? Because I haven't seen him take a 3 step drop and release the ball after the 3rd step since the San Diego game. He routinely stands back there and holds onto the ball.
  12. I don't think I have. I guess I have heard Schopp, because I hear them together. I was confusing him with someone else at first. Bulldog seems to be the 2nd guy on that show (don't know the media term for that), but he doesn't really bring any new ideas or even offer his opinion much. Howard and Jeremy are a good combination, they both offer insights and bring their own dimensions and personality to the show. But I don't really hear the same from Bulldog. And if you're going to say that he's very good by himself, that would probably be even more frustrating, because I wish he'd offer some insight all the time.
  13. I can only speak for Howard, Jeremy and Bulldog. I haven't really heard Schopp. The poster that said Bulldog is stealing a paycheck every week - I agree. He really adds no sports knowledge at all. But Howard and Jeremy are good. I don't blame anyone on that station for bashing callers. The callers are as close to wearing a helmet and drooling as they come. I can barely take the retards on this board, I can't imagine trying to keep my patience all day listening to the morons that call in. If you're an idiot, and call with an idiotic statement, it would be an injustice to society not to let you know about it.
  14. You mean the 4-5 seconds Edwards has to hold onto the ball before frantically throwing a short pass at the receiver's feet isn't enough time?
  15. Of course they are the top 3 receivers, but I'm not ready to take Evans or Reed out, and that's what I thought the OP was implying. I hope Steve can come in and earn the 2nd WR gig next year, but I'm not ready to anoint him yet.
  16. Dumping Brady for Cassel is the most ridiculous debate I've seen in sports history.
  17. The original poster said he deserves to be on the first string all the time next year. Since there are only two starting receivers, that means taking Reed or Evans out.
  18. Are you guys serious? The guy catches a 5 yard touchdown pass and now you're taking out Reed or Evans for him? Unbelievable.
  19. Chambers was very good every time he was in this season, particularly when Peters was out in the beginning.
  20. He's no where near a "late round prospect."
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