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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. None of the big name free agents are going to want to come here.
  2. QBs: C RBs: A WRs: C+ TEs: F OTs: B+ OGs: B- OC: C+ DEs: F DTs: C+ LBs: C CBs: B+ S: B-
  3. So you think that if we didn't make the playoffs, Jauron is a bad coach. If we did make the playoffs, Jauron is a good coach. Great observation!
  4. If he doesn't make better in-game coaching decisions, it won't matter what free agents or assistant coaches we have.
  5. BECAUSE THAT'S THE JOB OF THE HEAD COACH! What's next, Wilson hires Shonert an offensive specialist to coordinate the offense? Christ.
  6. If Wilson says he is going to solve the problem of our offensive game management with continuity in his staff, there's no way he's firing Turk.
  7. Did you expect a coach with only 1 winning season in 9 to out coach a hall of fame super bowl winning coach?
  8. Isn't Belicheck supposed to out coach Jauron?
  9. This is a memorable day in TBD history.
  10. Do you guys run a Tampa-style defense? Is it possible that the style of defense at Missouri doesn't suit his true potential?
  11. I am in the extreme, extreme minority about this, but I actually vote for Chris Johnson as rookie of the year, and not one of the QB's. It is extremely rare that a QB can come in as a rookie and have their team be successful, and both of them, especially Ryan, have done fantastic jobs. That said, they haven't been the reason their teams are winning. Ryan has certainly had the better season of the two, but it doesn't take an MVP to hand the ball off to the 2nd leading rusher in the league. Flacco has that Baltimore defense. The two of them have managed games this year and let the team around them make the plays and win. Ryan has made some plays here and there, but both of them focus more on not messing up than being the playmaker. I think if you took them off their respective teams, both teams would still have success. However, I can't say the same about the Titans and Chris Johnson. The Titans offense depends on the QB to manage the game also, and let the running game and defense take over. As a rookie, while carrying most of the load on offense, Johnson ran for over 1,200 yards, at 5yds a carry, and 10 total TDs. He also had 43 receptions for 260 yards and a TD. They use Lendale White on the goaline, and Johnson still had 10 TDs. You take him off that team and they are nowhere near as successful. He means more to the Titans than Ryan or Flacco mean to their teams, AND has put up better individual numbers at his position.
  12. Which is one of the dumbest rules about the NFL. I can't believe no one is bringing this up.
  13. I honestly believe that after the combine, when all the numbers are said and done, that BOTH Orakpo and Brown will be taken before we pick. That said, I don't like the other DE's at that spot, and I'm hoping we drop down and take TE Jermain Gresham. I've never, and I repeat never, seen someone as smooth as him run and catch the ball. I truly think that adding Jermaine would change the whole dynamic of our offense. He's not a normal TE, he's not even a normal good TE, he's extremely unusual and rare.
  14. Someone I haven't been able to get a good look at yet is your DT Evander Hood. What are your thoughts on him?
  15. Isn't a Hall of Fame coach supposed to out-coach a guy with only 1 winning record in 9 seasons?
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