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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. I'm not sure because I don't know much about doctor stuff, but wasn't that also the case with Tom Brady? Where he didn't have the surgery until a month after? Maybe its just swelling? I don't know. Maybe there's someone knowledgeable in the medical field that can comment.
  2. I guess you still don't get it, so I'll say it again, this time slower, and in smaller words in hopes you can understand more clearly. Ready? I was not posting directly to you, I was posting a general response from tidbits I've heard from the media, fans, some people in this thread, and some pieces from your post. The "on acid" quote was a piece from your post that was a tidbit I'm referring to, where you suggested that Fox must be on acid based on the gameplan. I'll help you again with breaking things down so we can un-confuse you. You said, "I'd be curious to have you point out which part of my post suggested Fox should be fired" and "as I would be curious to know what part of the Panthers plan you feel compelled to defend." I'll try this one more time. I'm hoping the repetition can help you. I never said you thought Fox should be fired, because I didn't respond to your quote directly. The talking heads were talking about it during the postgame, and RLflutie alluded to it as well. Now, there is a button on the lower right portion of each person's post. That button looks like this [" Reply]. When you want to directly respond to a specific person's post, you can hit that button and it will quote the whole post in the top of your reply. Its really cool. If you don't want to respond to one specific post directly, you can just choose the button at the bottom or top of the thread that reads "Add Reply." The technology here at TBD is really quite useful. I'd be happy to show you what some of the other buttons mean, just send me a PM.
  3. Had I wanted to respond directly to you, I would have quoted your post and responded. Instead, I chose to make a general response of my own to the topic to include all fans and media outlets. Maybe you should start there in answering your own questions.
  4. Question - How do you feel about Jim Leonhard?
  5. This is the problem with front offices and fans around the NFL. You all want to change successful coaches the second they mess something up. John Fox went to Carolina, re-built the team, and took them to the Super Bowl. Then he re-built the team again, and took them to the playoffs with a 1st round bye and home field advantage. He loses one game, or calls a bad game, and now he's a bad coach and he's "on acid." Maybe he should be fired like Mangini or Shanahan. Unbelievable.
  6. How many times is he going to dive at players' heads at the end of runs before the refs decide to call a penalty?
  7. Why do people act like he does nothing and is a product of the rest of Baltimore's defense? You can't knock Jim's talent. You can't tell me that when Jim knifes into the backfield and tackles Ronnie Brown one on one that its really not Jim being a good tackler, its really the rest of the Ravens' defense. You can't tell me that when he is tackling a player and rips the ball out, causing a fumble, that its really the rest of the Ravens' defense. He's all over the field and always in the right place at the right time. He is a very good tackler, and is always around the ball. Get over yourselves and admit he's a good player. Geesh.
  8. So from watching 6 of his college games 3 years ago, you can conclude that with the slew of injuries and inability to stay healthy in the NFL, that he is better than a proven NFL backup? Interesting. You obviously don't know Bell's M.O. Athletically, the guy is a freak for left tackle. You must also not have watched the preseason, when he pretty much shut down every DE he faced and the Bills were FORCED to put him on the 53 man roster. Jauron came out and said they had planned to put him on the practice squad all along, but he had developed much quicker than they thought, and couldn't afford some other team picking him off the practice squad for nothing.
  9. And what does Denver's special teams' coach have to do with Ralph Wilson and the Buffalo Bills?
  10. Without improving our front 7, we'll need Mays to be a freak because he'll be tackling all the running backs 20 yards downfield.
  11. And this is based on what? The fact that we signed him off the street and no one has wanted him in over a year? How would you know?
  12. Yeah, because we're really in contention for the Super Bowl next year
  13. How is a player in Syracuse not a stranger to Buffalo?
  14. I think Marvin would want to play for a team that actually matters, and not the Buffalo Bills.
  15. Mack is good at sealing off the DT, meaning when there is one on either side of him and they run up the middle, he's good at laterally keeping him from closing the hole, but he's not good with someone directly over him. Personally, I don't have faith he can handle Wilfork, Jenkins or Ferguson. IMO, using a 1st round pick on someone who you aren't sure can handle the job isn't a wise idea, especially when there's centers later on in the draft that are more sound in that area (i.e Caldwell and Unger). I'm not necessarily advocating us starting Preston next year, but I think he's far from horrible. He has made stupid plays, such as snapping the ball up his ass crack and picking the fight in the New England game, but I can't argue with his blocking when the line was fully healthy over the last 7 weeks of the season. He handled the best DT's in the game, in Vince Wilfork, Shaun Rogers, Jammal Williams and Kris Jenkins, and more than held is own. As I said in an earlier post, we averaged nearly 150 rushing yards per game over that span, and I believe we have greater needs to address with our 1st round pick than spending it on a center. I think the inconsistencies you saw was in the beginning of the year when Preston had Jason Whittle and Kirk Chambers playing next to him. When the line was completely healthy, they were dominant in the run game. I think he is more than a decent center for our team. On a team that doesn't face many 3-4's, he probably is an unacceptable starter, but for what we need, he is better than decent. I really like Caldwell and Unger, and they will be available with our 2nd and possibly 3rd round picks if the Bills feel Preston isn't adequate enough.
  16. I'm not denying Mack's talent or potential. I'm denying his style. Mack is the style of center who is very, very smart, can get out and block the linebackers, can pull, and is really agile. What he struggles with is when there's a man in front of him, and when he gets bull rushed one on one. That is not the style of center we need with the 3-4 defenses we face in our division. He's very good, just not in the way we need our center to be good in. Caldwell is a very, very strong center, who excels in mowing over defensive tackles in the run game and handling the big men in the middle. I watched him dominate one of the best defensive tackles in all of college football, Peria Jerry, one on one all day long. The reason why I said the poster's facts are wrong, is because he said Mack excels with a man over his face and Caldwell is more of a "move" center. Just completely the opposite of what they actually are. Its quite obvious that either 1.) he just reads what other people think online and has never watched these players, or 2.) he watched the players for himself, and is so bad at watching what he sees, that he can completely flip around the talents and weaknesses. When you're THAT far off base, there's no point in arguing. Its the same as arguing that Trent excels at throwing the deep ball and JP is more of a game-managing QB.
  17. I'd take that style any day And thank you!
  18. Sorry, but watch the games again. Preston played great against Wilfork, and played great against Shaun Rogers. Do you really think a team can gain 150+ rushing yards directly up the middle while the center is playing like sh*t?
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