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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. You WERE watching the Bills, right? Trent sat back there with all day to throw, and then chose to either throw the ball not near the open receiver, or into the hands of the other team. I repeat, he had all day to throw.
  2. Single-handedly the dumbest sentence I've read here this offseason. Wow.
  3. So.. the combine shows you a lot... but the video of him working out and running doesn't show you too much... right.
  4. I can't believe you are trying to make a profit off taking advantage of young girls.
  5. I don't get my opinions off websites or "draft gurus." Maybe that's YOUR problem. You read instead of watch.
  6. And for the 20th time, my opinion was based on information from a collective group of people and areas, and not specifically on his post. "His words" were in a tiny part of my post because he was one of the collective people I am talking about. You're right, this comprehension stuff is hard.
  7. Apparently Simon doesn't think that gameplans and head coaches go together. Don't waste your time arguing.
  8. Thanks for posting an original opinion into the thread. That was definitely an idea that none of us have thought of over the course of the first two pages. Great job!
  9. Um... probably because he is a lighter (in strength) center who's strengths are getting out to the linebackers, pulling on toss plays, being agile, athletic and very smart, and doesn't do well at all when there's a DT over his nose. He struggles in the run game pushing the nose tackle back, and gets bull rushed very easily. Definitely NOT the style we need when we face 3-4 defenses and he's going to have to handle Vince Wilfork, Kris Jenkins, and Jason Ferguson 6 times next year, not to mention Pittsburgh and any other 3-4 team we face next season. We need a center that can handle the big man over his face and can get some push in the run game. To answer the other poster's question, I recommend Antoine Caldwell or Max Unger, because they fit the bill to a tee.
  10. I guess so, and I respect yours completely, I just don't agree.
  11. I am one of THE biggest Maualuga supporters there is. He's an animal. However, I feel the impact of a good TE would be greater than the impact of a good LB for this team right now.
  12. I do. A bona-fide TE would open up the middle of the field, give Trent another receiving threat, take teams' attention off of Lee, back them off the line of scrimmage for our running game, and pretty much transform the entire offense. Without a second threat in the passing game, Lee is going to continue to see double coverage and a 2 deep zone, Trent is going to continue to see 6 guys dropping back in coverage, and you are going to continue to see dump off passes to the running backs and Bills losses. What is Maualuga going to do to our defense?... make us slightly better in the running game, and add virtually nothing to the pass rush? A good TE makes the TE position better, the QB position better, the receiving corps better, and the running game better. Who does Maualuga make better... the OLB held by Keith Ellison? You can't tell me that Maualuga has more value to the outcome of games and the team than a legit receiving threat at TE.
  13. When will people stop looking at rankings and start actually watching the players play? Alex Mack and Michael Johnson DO NOT fit the style of player we need. Just because they are ranked at the top of their positions doesn't mean we should draft them. Christ.
  14. Like Derek Fine, Derek Schouman, Robert Royal, Courtney Anderson, Teyo Johnson, Ryan Neufeld, Brad Cieslak, Michael Gaines, Kevin Everett, Tim Euhus, Dan O'Leary, Bobby Collins, Sheldon Jackson, Pat Fitzgerald, Tony Cline, Lonnie Johnson, A.J. Ofodile, Vince Morrow, and Stephen Clark? How many more years are you going to "short yourself the TE" and "find one later in the draft or FA"? Because that's just the last 18.
  15. Gandy is no where near horrid, and he wasn't when he was here either. He is a better than average lineman.
  16. Well, good thing we use a zone blocking scheme, eh?
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