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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. I don't know whether you're talking about Nick or Kevin, but Kevin is not from Buffalo and is not a Bills fan.
  2. I'm sorry, but I can't draft a rooster. It was bad enough last year reading the headlines when we drafted and signed Fine, Cox.
  3. Did you really just say that Cushing will be had in the 2nd round, and then ask another poster how he knows which players will be gone and when?
  4. Name me a draft that didn't add at least 1 good player to our team.
  5. The draft just adds better players. The only way to preserve continuity and coach what you have is to ignore all avenues in adding playmakers to the squad. Eff the draft!
  6. What changes are you talking about? The only thing from this offseason so far is how they're preaching continuity...
  7. No. Because that's not what they're trying to improve if they get a 250lb DE. They are trying to improve the pass rush? If they wanted to improve the run at the DE position, they obviously wouldn't look at a small end...
  8. Because as a coach, you have what's called a "philosophy." It is a specific scheme that you have studied and mastered over the years, to the point where you know every tiny aspect of what every position is supposed to do and where they are supposed to be in all situations, and feel comfortable teaching that system and executing it. Every coach has a philosophy, and as an owner, that is what you hire. For example, Rex Ryan runs his 3-4 defense, that is his "philosophy." As the owner of the Jets, that is what you are hiring for your team and your players. You can't expect a coach to just come into a team, and all of a sudden be blessed with whatever knowledge of the scheme best fits the players already there. You can't expect Ryan to come in and say hey, I think we have the players to run the Tampa-2. Ryan doesn't know the Tampa-2, therefore he can't teach it to his players. That would be like you going to school to be an engineer, and when you start looking for a job, your wife says, "Well there are tons financial advisor jobs, why can't you take one of those."
  9. Are you really trying to say that because one player couldn't make the transition from the 4-3 to the 3-4 in the NFL, that Brown or Orakpo can't go from their 4-3 to our 4-3? Wow.
  10. Orakpo, Brown and English can all play at DE.
  11. Well, think of it this way: Wouldn't a nice receiving TE solve both positions, the TE and the 2nd WR/option?
  12. If they got one of their DE's in the 1st, and chose a TE like Coffman in the 2nd, you'd be upset?
  13. Bastard. Doesn't he know that because he played on the Bills like 12 years ago that he's obligated to now root for the Bills, Sabres, Bandits, Bisons and midget league Sabres for the rest of his life?
  14. Only after he tells them to penetrate the hole.
  15. The Bills had the choice between taking Ngata or Whitner. They chose Whitner. You are saying we should have chosen Ngata. I don't see how that has anything to do with my previous post. The mistake was thinking Whitner was going to be an impact player, not where he was selected. It doesn't matter if we took Donte at 25, he'd still be the same player. The mistake was not in taking him at 8, it was taking him period. They were wrong about him IMO.
  16. Firstly, I'm not advocating drafting Mack at 11, I'm saying that the theory of a "reach" is ridiculous. Second, I was assuming that choosing Mack/Pettigrew would have meant that Brown and Orakpo are both off the board.
  17. So you think Mack/Pettigrew at #25 is a great pick but at #11 you're a retard? People that think like that are the real retards, because you're getting the same player no matter where you pick. If you want the guy, take him. He's rated as a 1st rounder, it doesn't matter where in the 1st round he goes. If you're taking a 2nd or 3rd rounder at 11, then maybe there's a problem. But those guys have 1st round grades for chrissakes, so go ahead and pick a player you don't want because Mack/Pettigrew is a "reach" 10 spots ahead of where you THINK they might go.
  18. Why would we fire our coach for someone who never got it right in Indy either? How is that NOT a lateral move?
  19. So when you find out your job is paying 80% of the people more than you are, even though you're the best one there, you'll go back to work because all your friends there will be sad without you?
  20. Same here. My wife told me she expected 8-10 inches during the night. I told her she had high expectations, especially since I'd been drinking.
  21. So that would be what, a billion dollars contributed to our offensive line? Meanwhile Trent would still have all day to throw with no open receivers, Marshawn would still be gaining 4 yards every run play, and our defense would still be bending but not breaking.
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