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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. Sounds damn good. I have a few questions: 1.) Was he fired or did he leave on his own? 2.) Why did he wait so long before getting back into it, was it because he chose to take time off or was it because no one wanted him/offered him anything?
  2. Good argument. I think I'm getting confused between him and another douche that was on ESPN. Charlie Casserly?
  3. Someone make the argument to me why Reese is a "very good personnel man."
  4. All of you listing Crowell, Chambers, or some other guy of our own is cheating
  5. I can't believe what I'm reading. A lesser version of Tebow right down to their playing styles? You must be high. Tebow runs the ball up the middle like a fullback, is hard to tackle and bulls people over. He's not fast, he's as strong as an ox. Pat White is quick, agile, breaks long runs, will juke you out of your jockstrap, and is frail. Tell me how those playing styles are the same? They couldn't be more opposite in style.
  6. I agree. Chris Canty is likely gone in free agency. Don't think Tim will start, but could be depth there.
  7. Its amazing what great players can do for a coach. I love how he can use great players such as Allen, Smith and Schobel, (who get sacks every year regardless of who their d-line coach is) and coast off their success and ability. We had him here once, he did nothing.
  8. I agree. The guy is damn near unblockable.
  9. Doesn't "UFO" stand for Unidentified Flying Object? Why do people associate the term with aliens? If that is what it stands for, wouldn't ANYTHING you can't make out in the sky be a UFO? It doesn't HAVE to be an alien, right?
  10. Wilson? What have you seen from him that makes you think he will be nothing more than a screwball in the NFL? The guy is erratic and unpredictable. He's one of those QB's where the more you put the ball in his hands, the greater chance you lose.
  11. Both DT's, Raji and Jerry, fit the scheme. They are not at all big fat men who just stand there and clog schit up. They penetrate. I actually like Jerry better.
  12. A weak arm? Are you joking? Every scout in America says he has the strongest arm coming out, certainly at the senior bowl. Have you ever seen him throw the ball? My God.
  13. How can you even compare Leak to White? Just because they're both black doesn't mean they have remotely similar styles, jackass. Leak was a pure passer, White is a pure runner. Wtf?
  14. Raji was good, except for when Caldwell played center opposite him.
  15. Brown. No brainer. I'd love a DT next to Stroud, but at this point, compared to our pass rush situation that would be a luxury.
  16. Jerry is one of my favorite players in this year's draft. If you watch the Alabama/Ole Miss game, Caldwell absolutely manhandled him all over the field.
  17. James went to Cortland, not Bakay. Get your facts straight.
  18. "FWIW, Nick Bakay wrote Paul Blart: Mall Cop with Kevin James. As most of you know, he is from Buffalo and is a big Bills fan." I was making sure the "he" referred to Nick and not Kevin. Now take the bunched panties out from your vagina and relax.
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