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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. Bell, as you point out, has great feet and quickness, but lacked in pure strength. So... why would you put a guy like that in the trenches where he's expected to move people? Doesn't make sense.
  2. I don't. He gives us something no other receiver does. Reed doesn't give us anything, if we have Coles.
  3. I don't see how they only view Coles as a #2 receiver when he's been the Jets' #1 for years.
  4. I don't. I'd rather the whole country not witness our embarrassments.
  5. Why do we play Jacksonville almost every year?
  6. None of that makes any sense. Why would the Broncos trade Cutler for Cassel straight up? And then it says the Broncos were willing to give their 1st round pick up, too? I don't buy it. The Broncos would need to receive MUCH more than just Matt Cassel in exchange for Cutler.
  7. I love Josh Reed, right now he's the only consistent receiver we have, but if we got Coles, there'd be no need for Reed on this team anymore. Coles is the same exact player as Reed, only 5 times better. Reed is a poor man's Coles, and there's no reason to have both. Everyone has a role in that group: Jenkins is the special teams ace, Roscoe is the best punt returner in the league, Evans is our #1 and deep threat, Hardy and Johnson are both young up and coming players, and Reed is our go-to, clutch player who catches timely passes over the middle and on 3rd downs. Coles replaces that, and then what does Josh do that Coles doesn't? If we signed Coles, I see only 3 people who could go. Jenkins, Reed or Roscoe. They just gave Jenkins a long-term deal, and there's no one else in that group that can play special teams like he does. Roscoe is the best punt returner in the league, but its still possible they try to trade him. The most logical person to leave would be Reed. It is his role that is being upgraded and replaced. I think our 3 receivers would look great with Evans, Coles and Johnson. And then there's Hardy, and even Roscoe. I love all that Josh Reed has done for this team since he's been here, but if we sign Coles, he no longer has a role and a place IMO.
  8. Of course it is a step in the right direction, I'm just worried the Bills will but a Joe Blow in at LG, and we'll once again have no prospects or anyone worth a damn sitting behind those players. Like I said, if we get a good LG in here, with Geoff at center, along with drafting his future replacement, I think that'd be great. But anything less is an extreme disappointment.
  9. Oh, I like how you conveniently left out these from "my posts."
  10. How about you read my posts. They will answer all of your questions. Why do I have a problem with it? I said I loved the signing. I seem to be knocking the guy? I said he's a good player.
  11. I think Kitna is certainly a better QB than Fitzpatrick is, but he seems like kind of an ass. His mouth never seems to be closed, and I doubt it would all of a sudden close sitting behind Trent Edwards. He doesn't like being a backup, and never has. I doubt he'd want to do it here.
  12. My sentiments exactly. Be careful though, people don't like to hear that.
  13. You tell me where I'm wrong. Do you think he's a great player or something?
  14. Why is me telling it like it is so bad? I like the guy, I love the signing. But he's not great, and that's the truth. He's an upgrade, and seems like a quality person. He's not outstanding, and probably not better than decent/good. What am I saying that is wrong?
  15. Of course they'd love to have him back. Solid interior lineman that can play all 3 positions as a backup are important.
  16. I wouldn't be happy, because if we signed Springs or Bly, Bill from NYC would die from a heart attack.
  17. I guess I need to see what else the Bills are going to do to the interior of the line before I establish how I feel. I like Hangartner, but it depends how the Bills are going to use him. If he's not a piece of a bigger puzzle in there, then I'd be worried. If we go into the season with a good LG, Hangartner, and a young draft pick at Center backing up then I think that's a great situation. But if Hangartner is our starting center, with some schmuck at LG, and no young prospect, I'm not going to like it.
  18. Ok, so he must have started every season he played then. I'm sorry that you're in denial that the Bills want to pin their interior line help on a career backup, and you can't deny that's what he's been. Do I like the signing if we get him? Of course. We need quality depth guys like him on the interior of the line. But if we still don't draft a center or get more quality bodies there and expect Hangartner to be our next great for 10 years then I'd be extremely worried.
  19. LOL how was I being harsh on him? I said he's a serviceable player and solid but I don't like when people get carried away about his abilities. He is what he is. A solid backup who is an average starter. That's not being harsh if that's what he is.
  20. No, the point was they never felt he was starting material. They gave him a shot, and then they took him out and drafted someone else the following year. He only started there aftwerwards because of injuries.
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