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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. Oh my God. How can people honestly vote for Michael Johnson? What a disaster.
  2. Why? Whats the worst that could happen? He comes in here, hates Edwards, hates the coaches, hates the organization, and we don't make the playoffs? Big whoop around here. We could also cut his ass at any time.
  3. And he won't get signed next year if he proves once again he can't shut up.
  4. Never. Wanna know why? No one wants T.O, he wants a 1 year contract so he could shut his mouth for a year and prove to everyone he could do it. Then he'll get his big contract next year.
  5. ESPN reports he signed a 1 year deal, per Vic Carrucci.
  6. It also looks like he wants Gibran Hamdan to start.
  7. Can you clear that statement up for me? Not sure if 1.) you're implying that the environment is far too complex of a system for man to completely comprehend, or 2.) implying that you know how it works, and haven't seen/read anyone else that understands or shares your view, or most likely 3.) I've screwed up both one and two, and its something completely different (explain).
  8. Of course signing free agents "helps the cause," but you clearly said, "build a winner through free agency." Those are not the same things.
  9. Not quite. 1.) This is when the bargains come. I don't know if you follow MLB, but their free agency period was the first in this year's economy. Some guys were signed within the first few weeks, but the majority of mid level guys weren't because owner's weren't willing to overpay for players with the economic difficulties. After a lull period, the free agents were forced to bring their prices down and very good players were signed for cheap. I believe this is what will happen in the NFL. In another few days or so, you'll see some free agents being forced to significantly drop their price tags, and that's where the cheap owners like Ralph come swooping in 2.) There are still some good players left all over that can help teams, such as Mike Goff, Kendall Simmons, Cato June, Dewayne Robertson, Jason Taylor, Leigh Bodden, Dre Bly, Marvin Harrison, Freddy Keiaho, Bertrand Berry, Angelo Crowell, Mike Peterson, Terrell Owens, Pete Kendall... one could go on all day. These aren't all stars by any means, but they are good players who can definitely contribute, especially for a team like us who needs a few spot starters.
  10. Right, and your posts saying how we should actually trade up from #11 and draft a WR are brilliant. I guess to stupid people, smart people seem stupid.
  11. Why, because he bashed him in the media? He does that with all his star players, and always has. Its a tactic, it doesn't mean he hates the guy.
  12. BUT WHY ARE YOU PICTURING US? How about the Dolphins? They have actually struggled to find a receiver... not to mention Parcells was the only person to get T.O. to shut his trap...
  13. How the hell should I know? But he's not talking about us. Think of it this way... lets say you knew the Bills were interested.... what would you describe in terms of a hint that its the Bills organization? How about "a team that hasn't made the playoffs"... "a team looking to improve their years of bad offense".... "a team that's looking for rejuvination".... "a team that wants to excite its fans"..."a team looking to help their young QB"... Wouldn't there be 20 million things to say before you get to: its a team that "struggled to find a receiver?" Its not us.
  14. So I guess having Coles pick a different team over us means we've "struggled to find a receiver." Right.
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