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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. No joke, I honestly thought that's what he was talking about.
  2. Just because Fine isn't as good a receiver as Scheffler, and Scheffler isn't as good a blocker as Fine, doesn't mean that Fine is in for ALL running plays and Scheffler is in for ALL passing plays. Also, where is it written that Fine is a blocking TE, and that he's a better blocker than Scheffler? Fine is a receiving TE, believe it or not. He played in the slot in a spread offense. He also was moved around a lot, playing the slot, lining up in the backfield, at WR and on the line. Just because he didn't come on the scene and catch 70 passes for 10 TD's doesn't mean that he is automatically a blocking TE.
  3. So it was better than a 3rd and 5th. That was proving my point
  4. "Tossed away"??? He was given up for a 3rd and 5th, or something like that. Stroud and Jenkins were had for the same. Were they "tossed away" too? I say each player had questions around them, but also had value.
  5. There are 5 players there. - The OG Robinson most likely won't even be picked until the 2nd round, and if he's picked in the first, it certainly won't be near the 11th pick. - Everette Brown is the best player in this draft IMO, but surely won't be there when we pick. - We are not picking a corner with our first freaking pick. - Pettigrew is realistic. - Maybin has serious questions about his size and speed, is semi-realistic, even though recently most have dropped him to the late first round or out of the first completely. More realistic choices? Pettigrew, Cushing, Raji, English, or an OL.
  6. Those are the worst and most unrealistic choices.
  7. And you know this for such certainty, HOW?
  8. He could play Center, Hangartner could play guard.
  9. The reason we're even having this Peters discussion is because what you said didn't happen with Peters, so what makes you think if they moved Walker to LT they'd give HIM a raise?
  10. Step away from the Madden controller... its going to be alright.
  11. He's one of the only LB'ers left that can actually rush the passer. This would be a wise move.
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