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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. For the time being, at least, Libraries are on the upswing. I read an article that was talking about how there has been a SIGNIFICANT increase in customer volume in libraries because of the economic situation. People are going to libraries to send out resumes, job hunt, and spend time on the internet. The library offers a place, other than your home, for jobless people to go and be productive, or even just hang out. Now after the recession, it will be interesting to see what happens, but at least for right now, libraries are being rejuvenated.
  2. Boley and Brooking I know. But they also signed Mike Peterson. Milloy is terrible, and I don't think Grady Jackson was a starter. Babineaux? LB is the only loss, really.
  3. Pettigrew is far and away NOT the best pass catching TE in this draft.
  4. Where some guy's mock draft has a player going has no merit to where we should or should not take that player.
  5. Right, because all other 300lb + o-lineman are at ideal weight and in great shape
  6. If Brown was still available at 11 and we picked him I'd have a coronary. Best player in the top 15, IMO.
  7. Why does everyone say that Andre Smith reminds them of Mike Williams? They are the exact opposite. Andre Smith is a problem off the field and definitely has issues. On the field, he is one of the more dominating players you'll find. Mike Williams was a saint off the field, and lazy and unmotivated when in the game. So we have great on the field and lazy off the field vs. lazy on the field and great off the field. How is that the same again?
  8. Its a good deal for them. They are basically giving up a 2nd round pick for a 3rd and moving up in the 1st. Instead of having 2 first rounders, a 2nd, and a 3rd, they get two HIGH 1st rounders, and two 3rds. Having the two high firsts could give them everything they want. At pick 20, there is pretty much no chance that either Sanchez or Stafford are there, and there is also a slim chance that one of the top few OT's will be there. But, at pick 11, its very very possible a QB is there, and if not, one of the top lineman. Moving up from 20 to 11 gives them much more flexibility with the number 1 overall. They can have their LB they want in Curry, and still grab one of the top tackles they couldn't get at 20. And... they get another 3rd rounder.
  9. I love Donald Brown as well. Great all around back. Also: TE James Casey and Shawn Nelson DE/LB Larry English CB Darius Butler DT Peria Jerry QB/WR Pat White Everette Brown, BP in draft. Antoine Caldwell Jarron Gilbert
  10. Can you explain where anything in that post was either vulgar or sarcastic? Maybe if you didn't make conclusions based on ridiculous assumptions that have nothing to do with each other, you wouldn't see people questioning you all the time.
  11. How is an article going to drive up Anderson's stock when he sucks on the field? And how is Quinn more suited to play for Mangini? You pretend like Somehow Mangini's defensive system in NE was connected to Weiss's offensive system at ND. WTF?
  12. And that's a bad thing? Scheffler is a better TE than anyone sitting there in the 3rd and 4th rounds. If you're going to use one of your picks in rounds one to four on a TE, you might as well use your last one and save the earlier picks for the more pressing needs. Not to mention Scheffler is a proven NFL TE/receiving threat, as opposed to taking a chance on someone who's never played a down of NFL football and hoping he pans out. I'd gladly trade a 4th rounder for Scheffler.
  13. I could have sworn it was 3 years 29 mil. Maybe that's what was reported as a rumor and I never saw the final numbers.
  14. Didn't Evans only sign a 3 year deal?
  15. Thanks for confirming that you are homosexual.
  16. You should go for it dude, you're only young once.
  17. Because we won't have Marshawn Lynch?
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