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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. He probably won't even be available to play this year.
  2. It is being reported by kffl.... that's usually a reliable source, I think.
  3. That must be from a gay Tom Brady documentary.
  4. I'm not surprised he got that, I said I was surprised the Bills wouldn't do that deal.
  5. I'll take Orton over Peyton Manning. Since he beat him head to head, he must be the better QB.
  6. I understand that, but I have to think that if that were the case, he wouldn't have gone back to talk to the Bills. If he didn't want to play here, why go in for a visit/interview/meeting?
  7. When Angelo and the Bills had those talks late in the game a few weeks ago, I assumed we didn't re-sign him because they were far apart on contract details. Upon hearing that his deal in TB is only a 1 year deal for $2mil I must say, that's kind of disappointing. I would have definitely signed him for that, filled an important hole that we now need to spend a draft pick on, and had the $8.5 mil come off the books from him and Owens next year if he turns out to be a shell of his former self. I guess the one positive thing is, maybe we can sign one of the other LB's out there to a similar deal, although unlikely. Here is the link, sorry if already posted:
  8. I vote for Marshawn and his brother: Separated at Birth.
  9. How big are your balls that you continue to post here even though you get 5 pages of people making fun of you each time?
  10. L.J. Smith was signed to a 1 year deal, I believe. If that is so, he is not their TE of the future.
  11. Why is everyone so defensive and upset? He's absolutely right. The T.O. signing was grabbing at straws, and we've never been atop the division while he's been here... I don't really see what there is to be upset about. He wasn't trashing us, he wasn't bashing us, he was stating why its nice to be a part of a different team. Christ.
  12. Jake Grove? The same guy coming off microfracture knee surgery, and who can't stay healthy or consistent? The guy the Raiders let walk when they already have a terrible line? There's a new one for ya
  13. That comes after the attitude, and can be taught, but okay...
  14. Most certainly, but that is still not the same as:
  15. Right now we have no backups and a bad starter. Simmons is better than no one at all.
  16. Question: Have you ever seen Coffman block? Your answer would have to be no, because he did almost no blocking whatsoever in college. Just because he didn't block doesn't mean he can't block. There is a difference. Blocking is about attitude.
  17. Just to clarify, Detroit is in need of a MLB, not an OLB.
  18. We were talking about if Hangartner was the starting center and how good he might be. Where did you come up with me feeling comfortable about us having no interior lineman with NFL starting experience on the roster? You tell me what center was out there in free agency that is a "proven player" who is "capable of excellent play." Was it Birk, an older player who's game is not handling a 3-4 nose? Was it Jason Brown, a guy who thinks he deserves all the money in the world and wants to play LG? For the 20th time, I agree with you. But, there wasn't a center in free agency that would come in here and be a pro bowler. We all thought as fans that this offseason should accomplish improving the interior of the offensive line. We haven't even gotten to the draft, or the summer cap casualties, and you want to throw away the offseason as a failure. Let me be the first to say that I am not happy with what the Bills have done up to this point. We have no quality starters on the interior, and no bodies to even back them up in case of injury. I would have at least liked to see another veteran guard in here. The point that I am making is lets actually get through the draft first and see who we end up with before we rip the front office for not filling personel holes. I still think the Bills will sign another interior lineman.
  19. I agree, but to be fair, we don't know the Bills' plans for using him this year and beyond. As Bills fans, we all assume he was brought in to be our starting center because he was the only signing on the offensive line, but who knows? What if the Bills go and draft a center in the 2nd round, and Hangartner was brought in for depth all along? What if we sign a FA guard still? We won't know Hangartner's role until the season opener. Unfortunately, I think he was and will be a starter on this line, but I'll reserve my opinion on his play until after I've actually seen it (never have).
  20. Both of our WR's having double digit TD's this season would mean Trent throwing at least 20-25 touchdowns, and I just don't see that happening.
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