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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. Because you restated word for word what the talking heads say. If you're going to listen to other people and accept their opinions as yours without actually finding out for yourself how right they are, you could at least mix the words around or something so it's not so obvious.
  2. Yes. I wasn't sure if you were talking about me.
  3. I'm going to say that OT Jason Smith will not be the first tackle taken.
  4. If we took Maybin over Orakpo, Everette Brown, Michael Oher, and Brandon Pettigrew... I'd become a Detroit Lions fan.
  5. Because clearly only one step around the tackle gets you to the QB. I really can't take it when fans regurgitate garbage that they hear, and then decide that it's their opinion.
  6. I don't think anyone can say he doesn't have potential. The problem is that we can't rely and assume he's going to be ready to be a significant contributor THIS year. The smarter move would be to add better players there. We KNOW what we're getting from Kelsay, we KNOW what we're getting from Denney, we don't KNOW what we're getting from Schobel or Ellis.
  7. Although I'm not a fan of selecting a tackle at 11, if we grabbed Sidbury in the 2nd, that would be pretty good.
  8. I think that debate falls more to one side or the other depending on the team and franchise. The Patriots are in a position to choose the best player available, let him sit and groom behind people, and eventually have a future star. The Bills, however, are in no position to do so. Because we aren't as good, and don't have the amount of talent as the winners do, we need to draft BPA at positions of need. We can't afford to draft a RB with our 1st rounder this year. With coaches having the 3 year contract and then out if they aren't in the playoffs (besides Jauron) I don't believe a lot of teams have the luxury of just drafting the highest rated player on their board no matter the position. If you are a longer tenured coach with a team and franchise, you have that luxury. Most do not.
  9. I've seen some people who have him going in the 3rd round now.
  10. You are agreeing with me, you just don't see it yet. I was building to a point, that point is the last sentence of my post.
  11. They are not ridiculing her for having an opinion, they are ridiculing her opinion. There's a difference. Sure she's allowed to have an opinion, no one is saying she's not. But isn't that the point of asking an opinion based question? Isn't it to see how she responds and what her opinion is? If they ask her about the starving children in Africa, and she says, "I don't care about kids in Africa, they are black, and don't deserve food" would you not expect criticism because its "her opinion"? Hell no. It seems like you are mad that she should have an opinion and not be criticized for it, but then you are mad that other people have other opinions, and you're criticizing theirs. It doesn't go both ways. If she's allowed to express her opinion, then other people should be allowed to express theirs in contrary. I think your real concern is whether opinions should be judged in this contest.
  12. Aren't we having enough problems trying to get RID of the versatile receiver that does well with punt returns for Bobby April?
  13. I'll go one further, and say they won't draft one in round 1 or 2.
  14. The question asks what will be a surprise this weekend, not what is certain.
  15. Great stuff. Boylhart and TheHuddleReport.com have it on numerous prospects, despite contrary opinions to the rest of the scouting world. I think Sports Illustrated did an article about him a year or so back.
  16. What "value" could he possibly have on the team now? The guy has done nothing on the field, and has gotten in trouble off the field. He never plays, unless there are at least two safeties injured. Whitner, Scott and Wilson all play ahead of him. He doesn't do anything on special teams. So what value to this team could he possibly have?
  17. Anyone else like to nominate this for dumbest post of the year?
  18. The only attitude he's ever displayed was when he nonchalantly ate himself almost completely out of the starting lineup, and the determination to approach UDFA status in April.
  19. I think it would, because I feel we are going to cut him after camp anyway. We've got Whitner, Scott, Wilson, Wendling, Simpson, and are actively pursuing a safety in the draft. That means at least one has to go.
  20. Getting the dead weight off this team is a must. If we can stockpile picks in the last rounds of the draft, we may be able to trade up (example: two 5ths for a 4th) and acquire quality. The reason would be because we have so many holes to fill. We likely need starters at at least TE, OG, OT, OLB and DE. That is 5 positions. We have two 1's, a 2, 3, and two 4th's. That means one of those starters/heavy contributors is going to have to be a 4th round player, like it or not. And that's if we don't slip another position in there such as DT or SS. One of those positions isn't going to be addressed until the 4th round, and that is scary. Getting as many picks in the 4th-5th round area is essential for trading purposes. Also, if we are looking to move up from 28 to grab Pettigrew.
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