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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. But wasn't that BEFORE we took Levitre? Butler is in no way shape or form a LT. He's the stiffest guy I've ever seen play tackle in college. I was surprised when we picked him, but not surprised when we moved him into guard. He's like a statue out there.
  2. Is Winborn still out there, or did Denver re-sign him?
  3. Oh really? How about North Carolina didn't use their tight ends in the passing game because they had 3 legit NFL receivers to throw to? How about Butch Davis saying how good of a receiver Quinn was? How about him catching the ball with ease at his pro day and the combine? But you're right. Stats don't like. He is obviously a blocker, just based on stats alone.
  4. I don't understand why people think the backup we signed from Carlina HAS to start here. I've been saying since we signed him that he was signed as depth. Why isn't it possible that Levitre is our LG and Wood is our OC? No. Hangartner MUST start.
  5. The funny part is that he said he's lost 20 lbs.
  6. What does it matter to us if Brown busts as an OLB? If he comes here, he won't be playing OLB hybrid in a 3-4 defense...
  7. I think most people who want Pettigrew, want him as an alternative if Brown or Orakpo isn't there at 11.
  8. What does Curry do that is so special? You really think Curry is "head and shoulders above" Brian Cushing, Rey Maualuga etc...?
  9. Yeah. I was honestly shocked about that when I saw it earlier. I was under the impression that he was on his last legs, and then he gets a 5 year extension.
  10. We have no shot at getting him at 28. Why? Because every team in the world knows that we'd pick him if he were there, so all it takes is one team to want Pettigrew, and they know where they'd have to move ahead to get him. Right in front of us. If we want Pettigrew, we have to trade up.
  11. Sometimes being out of the league humbles the once hyped players, and they begin to truly work for what they want, but don't have. I remember Tony Mandarich came back as a pretty good guard with the Colts, once he was out of the league for a while and realized he would never live the life he thought he would. It looks like reality has set into Williams. I'd definitely look into him to play guard, but the injury history is the biggest point of focus IMO.
  12. When will people understand that I don't care what people's opinions are? I care about the evidence used in supporting them. I don't attack people's conclusions, I attack their premise. Half the time I agree with them, but their argument is set up in an extremely poor way. I'd never criticize someone for liking Aaron Maybin, or any other player in the draft, if they had a good reason why they felt that way. If you don't have a good reason, I'm going to call you out on it. If you're going to make a bold claim that we'd take someone else other than Everette Brown, Briank Orakpo, Michael Oher and Brandon Pettigrew, you better have a reason why. Instead, you said because Maybin "has the quickest first step" or some garbage that you could have only heard on TV. I'm sorry, but that doesn't do it for me. You're going to have to give me more. Read my history of posts. When there is good conversation to be had, I'm all in it. When a person posts a conclusion with a false premise, that's when I criticize. It just so happens you post in much of the latter.
  13. Why anybody would want to select Michael Johnson is beyond me.
  14. The old ones are better. These just look gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  15. Do you really think the Bills asked for the 28th pick instead of the 21st?
  16. I hope that doesn't mean at least one positive voice for Robert Ayers in the room.
  17. You don't have to many of those things, do you?
  18. Seriously... what are you talking about? I didn't even mention Aaron Maybin in my first post, and you're telling me that I don't like him. This is comical.
  19. You tell me where in my post I point out that I'm not an Aaron Maybin fan. Tell me where I make it known that his opinion is different from mine. Your post bashes me for not stating my opinion, and then you proceed to bash me based on the fact that he and I differ in opinion. Well, If I didn't state my opinion, how would you know if it differs from his or not? You have a habit of arguing in a circle. It doesn't go both ways, buddy, so which is it?
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