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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. What is with everyone and these garbage tackles? What is the point to adding people to the roster that don't upgrade anything? Pashos and Jones aren't better than the tackles we have here now, and they certainly aren't worth stunting the growth of our players either. If the tackle is not a legitimate starter, then FORGET ABOUT IT.
  2. I always defend Schopp even though most people think he's a dick. However, I couldn't believe what I heard him say this afternoon on the air. This isn't an exact quote, but it's close. He and Parker were discussing the players the Bills drafted, and Parker was saying how he thinks the Bills got good players and were hoping they turn into wins. Schopp then said something along the lines of, "I could care less what happens on Sundays or how the Bills do, I moved here, this is just a job. The only reason I follow them is because it is my job to talk about them." I realize that he didn't grow up here, or ever rooted for the Bills, and he certainly shouldn't have to be a fan of the team just because he's on the air, but do you have to make it sound like you're completely disgusted with the city and team, and you can't wait to get the hell out of here as soon as the possibility presents itself? Jeez. Even if you actually think that, why in the world would you say that on air to the people that listen to your show? To some of the most passionate fans in the NFL? My God. What does this say about the network in general, that these are the individuals they hire for their shows? Mike--sorry that you feel forced into the position where you have to talk about the Bills. It is such a shame that you HAVE to follow this shiity franchise and live in the area. Poor you. Is there really no one else out there that WGR could find, that they have to hire a guy who obviously doesn't want to be here? His attitude towards the team, the area, and the fans is clearly apparent.
  3. Hey, Tim-- Do you see the Bills revisiting some of the FA OLB (Winborn, Keiaho) or just sticking with what we have?
  4. Already got my Super Bowl ticket to watch Stafford!
  5. I think I saw in another thread a poster said Cadogan went to the Panthers. Don't know if its true or not.
  6. Get off the ratings on Madden and watch how Peters actually played last year. Walker is an upgrade. Is Walker an upgrade over the player Peters COULD be? No, and its not even close. But for the play of our LT last year, Walker is an upgrade.
  7. The guy will be 300lbs after breakfast tomorrow. He ain't a DE.
  8. I am pretty sure that his SERIOUS rash of injuries have hampered his career, and is the reason they desperately needed to draft a tackle in the first place. At this point (at the end of his career) we've got better guys with more upside. Pass.
  9. So you're mad the Bills don't draft the players that you think are good? Isn't your argument assuming that you are a legitimate talent scout? Because I'd be willing to bet that you're not.
  10. No it couldn't, my God. This kid is 250lbs that is all muscle and not an ounce of fat on him. Peters was already a 300lb slob. There is no way that a person who's had like zero body fat his whole life, along with his genes, can add over 50 more lbs to his frame.
  11. What was everyone was supposed to do in the first 5 rounds when we actually picked good players? First time the board hasn't erupted. You gotta give them something...
  12. Walker for Peters is an upgrade. Wood for Dockery is an upgrade. Hangartner for Fowler/Preston is an upgrade. Crowell didn't even play last year. So it's not Ellison for Crowell. It's Ellison for Ellison, which is even. It's not Youboty for Greer. It's McKelvin for Greer. Fine/Nelson for Royal is an upgrade.
  13. That is the only thing I can't stand about him. Every time I saw them play this year he was doing something dirty that garnered a penalty. I had him on my list of players I didn't want the Bills to draft. It's nothing about his play, though. If they can get him to stop being such an !@#$ on the field, then I won't care. But I don't want to see him do that sshit for the Bills.
  14. Butler was moved to guard because my grandmother could run around the edge on him.
  15. Wow. I didn't even know that was possible. They should have just tried to trade him. Dumb, IMO.
  16. Trading Kelsay for a 3rd round pick? If only someone was dumb enough to accept that. He was a late 2nd rounder, and has only proven how much he sucks. Would we trade a 3rd rounder for Kelsay if he were on another team? Hell no. So let's stop pretending we can get a 3rd from someone. I think the player with the most value would be Roscoe. Maybe the Steelers want him now? Who knows.
  17. I really feel sorry for the Raider fans that have to endure this obsessive lunatic they have attempting to run their franchise. He has completely lost his mind. You'd think after years and years of drafting the same style players that can run, and then having them completely suck in the pros, that he'd eventually change his drafting philosophy. But no. We're going to draft the WR that can run but not catch ahead of the top receiver in this draft, and a safety that no one has ever heard of, but can run, in the 2nd round. There ought to be some sort of medical pink slip that allows the rest of the Raider organization to be able to make decisions on behalf of the mentally incapacitated Davis. What a joke of an owner. Someone needs to step in and do something.
  18. I'm hoping at least one player out of Nelson, Coffman, Casey, and Ingram makes it to us in the 4th.
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