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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. You think Mike is the only one who is annoyed by how the Bills make decisions? Since we actually care about the Bills, don't you think we are annoyed even more? You don't see us react in the same childish manner that he does. There's no excuse for it, he's a professional.
  2. I just sent Andy an email. I'd never call. I have a differing opinion, so he'd just hang up on me.
  3. That is such B.S. (not you). He clearly said that he could care less how the Bills do on Sundays, or if they win or lose. There is no excuse for saying that. If he doesn't want to be there talking about the Bills, then he should leave. But don't sit and B word about it on the air to all the listeners who love the team and want to talk Bills.
  4. Did you just pick the biggest guys you could find? Jeez.
  5. That's because that was his natural position.
  6. Can you explain how this... "I don't care about the Bills that much. But, it's something I have to talk about because I have a job that requires me to talk about sports in Buffalo and a lot of people care about the Bills." is a "far outcry" from this.... "I could care less what happens on Sundays or how the Bills do, I moved here, this is just a job. The only reason I follow them is because it is my job to talk about them."? For about the 5th time, it doesn't matter where he lived. He said what he said. There are a ton of people who heard what he said, word for word. You are the only one that didn't, yet you are arguing as to what the guy actually said. I said in my original post that "this isn't an exact quote, but its close." The main points are there, and its almost word for word. Get your panties out from your vagina and take a deep breath. He said what he said, so stop trying to say he didn't. You are fighting a losing battle, and you've gone past the point of embarrassing yourself. I'd call you a moron, but I wouldn't want to insult the actual morons, so I'll leave the personal attacks out of this.
  7. I don't think there's anyone who complains about Dick Jauron as a person. He seems to be very well liked by the players in the locker room. He seems like a nice guy and he seems to have good intentions. All the locker room stuff is great, but you can't argue with his coaching tools that he's routinely messed up game after game, year after year. Challenges, timeouts, philosophy, and not putting the players in the best situations to succeed. These are ultimately direct lines to the head coach, and these are the areas he's failed this team in, and it shows in our record and inability to take make the playoffs since he's been here. Again, he seems like a great person and fun guy to play for, but he just isn't getting it done on the field and in the win/loss column. He's had just one winning season in I believe, in nine or so total? Have to check that. The stars were aligned last year and he still couldn't take advantage.
  8. I wouldn't give him a shot. There is a difference between making a mistake and an ENTIRE rap sheet over the course of one's life. He obviously knows right from wrong, is reprimanded, and then chooses wrong all over again. Second chances are deserved. He's had about 12. Enough is enough.
  9. I'm pretty sure the Packers signed him.
  10. Question is, who's more of a dumbass, Schopp or Preston?
  11. The guy said it, like it or not. Go listen to the audio vault if you want. Whether or not he has lived here for 50 years or just moved here yesterday has no relevance in what he was saying. Give it up. You can't argue that he did not say that, because he did.
  12. He said that "he didn't grow up here rooting for the Bills" a while back. That is why I thought he never lived anywhere around here. My original statement of what he said is.... what he said. Take from it what you will.
  13. Even if that guy was a corner, how do you let yourself get driven 15-20 yards down the field? Try a spin move or something... jeez.
  14. What? Can you start making sense, please?
  15. I wasn't bashing him at all, actually. I said that I liked Schopp from the little I'd heard, but thought Parker didn't really add anything to the show (I hadn't listened to much of the show then). You said Parker is actually pretty good, and that I should listen to him more, especially when he's on by himself.
  16. Damn he's quick off that line. I hope the added weight doesn't slow him down..
  17. He said, "I didn't grow up here rooting for the Bills." I'm assuming you can understand how I mistook that. It actually is not even the point of what I said. Whether or not he actually grew up here or not has little to do with what he said on the air. Don't know what you meant by that last statement, but nice try.
  18. Hey Lori, what are your opinions on the individuals and the station as a whole? I never liked that people always complained about the station who's intentions are good, and give us the opportunity to talk about our sports, but I don't think I can defend Schopp anymore. I remember us having a conversation about WGR a while back. I told you I hadn't heard much of Schopp and the Bulldog and you encouraged me to listen to him and Parker. I've listened to them almost every day since then, and I really like Parker. I was on the fence with Schopp but giving him the benefit of the doubt, but I don't think I can any longer. I really like Howard in the morning, too. Jeremy White is really starting to get to me and turn me off, but he's still tolerable in comparison to the show. Unfortunately, I see myself going down the same road with White that I did with Schopp. I think WGR would be better off taking one of the other guys in the morning (Nick Mendola or the other one) and putting him on in the afternoon with Parker. I'd love to keep listening to the station. How do you feel about it/them?
  19. Why would he say something like that on the air? Why would he even make it known that he doesn't care about the Bills or the fans, and that he's only doing this to collect a paycheck? I guess I'm just disappointed.
  20. Jones has played extremely poor over the last few years due to his chronic injuries. They are not the kind that you get, they heal, and then they go away. His knee problems are not getting better, they are chronic and they have greatly effected his play. So much so that they drafted an OT with the #6 pick overall to start on one side, and some guy named Anthony Collins on the other, because they are both better than Jones. Anthony Collins. He is probably going to have to retire soon, IMO. There is no way he'd be an upgrade over the bunch we have, and it would be a waste of a few million dollars to sign him.
  21. 1230am, I'll try that. It's a shame. I really like Bulldog and want to support the sports station in my town, so I'm stuck. But I'm definitely going to try the 1230 station.
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