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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. Do you always make arguments based on facts you assume to be true without actually knowing, or is it just in this thread? Don't pretend you know how many people like Schopp vs. don't. And don't say because he's still on the air or that he gets ratings, because we all just finished discussing how jerks make people tune in. You have no idea how many people that tune in actually like Schopp and how many are listening because they hate him.
  2. Oh yeah, I never even noticed my own date change until you mentioned it. You're an oldie!
  3. In the Nic Harris thread on draft day I said this:
  4. And this thread should "be" in the "Ask Tim Graham thread" not this one.
  5. That is my point. There aren't different Buffalo radio stations to listen to, so it isn't about switching around and finding your favorite, or hearing which is the most controversial and tuning into that one. There is only one. It is only on or it's not, and Schopp makes people turn it off. In this market, it would be more wise to NOT turn the people off, and more wise to be interested in the Bills (like Howard) so that the people that can tune in, do.
  6. Different situation. Stern and national radio is not comparable to a local station only heard in Buffalo. Stern acquired more listeners because he could, and they tuned in from everywhere because of the national scene. Schopp can only turn people away, not acquire them. It's not really the case that Schopp being a dick head makes people all over listen. This is Buffalo, there aren't people all over. All he's done is make people stop listening.
  7. That new listener wasn't already a listener because he stopped listening due to Schopp. If they got someone else to replace him who wasn't as hated, listeners who stopped listening due to Schopp would be coming out of the woodwork.
  8. Of course. I'm just giving my opinion, and I'm leaning more towards McCargo as the problem then the coach being the problem. I'm sure the coach had something to do with it, I just think McCargo has more to do with it.
  9. That is not a report. That is a guy starting a rumor based on the evidence that 1.) The Patriots just traded for Alex Smith, and 2.) Watson will become a free agent.
  10. I never said, "coaching doesn't make a difference." Of course it does. Different coaches can get different things out of players, like skills and abilities, watching film, and different techniques. However, McCargo was never lacking in those categories, his problem was being lazy and unmotivated. All I'm saying is that I think the motivation comes more from within than from a coach. If McCargo decides from within to get motivated to want to play all out, then this coach is going to be right there to show him the right way. But, it comes from McCargo first, that's what I'm saying.
  11. Of course. I've even had football coaches that I hated with a passion, to the point I didn't want to play for them anymore. However, the NFL is FAR different from high school or anything else, especially bosses at a job. The NFL is a job, first and foremost. You are playing for your job. If you choose to let anything distract you, then you are out on the street stocking shelves at K-Mart. I wasn't playing for a paycheck in high school. I wasn't playing professionally. It was an extracurricular activity where a crowd of 100 parents watched the games, not 100,000+ diehard fans. My point is that McCargo is playing for his pay, his job, his teammates and his reputation. Play your best, and you get more playing time, which turns into more money or increased value around the league. Don't give an effort or show you care about being there, and that turns into less playing time and less value around the league. I just think there is an overall lackadaisical attitude with McCargo, and I don't see how a d-line coach either makes or breaks it. If he turns this thing around, or continues down the same road, I just don't think the d-line coach is having anything to do with it. JMO.
  12. He's an interesting prospect. There are probably too many tackles already in front of him with Walker, Butler, Chambers, Bell and Scott, but I think he'll at least be on the practice squad.
  13. I guess I just don't see it, but can someone explain how the d-line coach can make McCargo suck? I feel like the whole "adding a new coach will make McCargo better" is just an idea us fans are clinging to as a last hope about the career of our former 1st round pick. This is the NFL, not high school. You don't like your d-line coach? Tough. It isn't about that. It's about your damn job. You go out there and compete the best you can no matter what. The whole d-line coach thing just doesn't make sense to me. If McCargo wanted to give an effort, he would have.
  14. With the passionate Buffalo fanbase, I just don't understand how you can put someone up there in radio who could care less about how well the Bills do. To me, that says a lot about Andy Roth and WGR as a whole, and what they care about.
  15. There's a ton of great info in there that answers a lot of questions. Man, Peters really is a scumbag.
  16. I'm definitely concerned. Spencer gives us nothing, and there is nothing about McCargo that would lead us to believe he's going to shine.
  17. Nevermind, I see they are up on the Bills site as of today.
  18. Tim, Any idea when the rookies will pick their numbers?
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