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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. I remember getting blasted on this board for arguing with all the Viti worshipers. I was like the anti-christ for God's sake. I remember certain posters wanting to bet me money that Viti would be our starting fullback come opening day, and then he was cut a week later
  2. How could the thing be going so fast as to bury itself into the pavement of a road, but bounce off the kid's head?
  3. I hope Poz has a big year so we don't have to keep overrating him.
  4. Think about your wife/girlfriend leaving you for a better looking guy because you got too fat and ugly while she still looks good. That work?
  5. I don't think the rumor is true, because he practiced on Monday but not today. I think if they were holding him out based on some sort of weekend incident, he wouldn't have participated yesterday either.
  6. If you were the Bills, what would you do if the rumor was true? I can tell you right now I'd cut him. He would have had chance after chance, and wouldn't have seemed to care about bettering himself, for the opportunity to play in the NFL, and to not let his team down by getting in trouble and then suspended. He was a 1st round pick, but I'd go into the season with Jackson and Rhodes without hesitation. I think his lack of care is blatant disrespect for the franchise, and it would be an embarrassment to let him keep doing this while you turn the other cheek. Of course, this is all a rumor and is a long shot, but that's how I'd feel if it were true.
  7. You act like no college football team has NFL fans. Every college plays under the same rules, therefore, if other colleges can have NFL fans playing under the same rules UB does, there is no reason why UB can't either.
  8. I thought the most interesting was the bit about Marshawn not practicing. I wonder if that rumor has anything to do with it.
  10. It's college football. They only have so many years. Every college's rosters turns over significantly from year to year. You cherish the years where you return 15 starters or more.
  11. Yeah, it's really UB's fault that Drew Willy had to graduate. Those bastard coaches! Clearly, having your starting QB go on to the NFL is a horrible thing.
  12. One of the only things that attracts people outside of Buffalo to UB is how affordable the price is. I know $620 isn't much of an increase, but if they decide to raise the tuition substantially, they're going to lose their only thing attracting students to the area.
  13. Ask the coaches at UB those same questions, and they won't have an answer. It is friggen June. The starting QB last season is gone, and the position is up for grabs. Of course no one knows who it is, because one hasn't been named yet!
  14. I don't know, but I hope none of them are playing LT on the second unit. Every single write up of practice there is always a "Maybin around the edge for a would be sack on Hamdan." Never fails. I guess its good for our pass rush, bad for our o-line.
  15. I think it is just another game, and doesn't really matter much. It is only the first game of the year, on monday night football, against your division rival.
  16. McKelvin was rated as the best corner by pretty much everyone, so I don't know where you're getting that from.
  17. Your list consists mostly of teams that whooped our asses. Seems like you're just more of a hater. I can understand Bryan Cox because his BS with Bills fans was legit, but Tom Brady, Bill Belichick, Dan Marino, Jimmy Johnson, and Jerry Jones never did anything other than beat us.
  18. Isn't it true of the exact opposite as well? Either one you're getting to first is going to form the way you see/think of the movie/characters.
  19. Wrong. The flaw is that not buying a house = leaving after the season. Not true, again. It doesn't mean that Owens "can't foresee his stay in Buffalo lasting more than 1 yr." It is not entirely up to Owens if he returns after the year. What if the Bills don't want him back? The smart thing is not to buy a house until there is a longer deal in place. It is not indicative of whether he wants to leave or not.
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