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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. I'm assuming in reference to if he'll make the NFL or not, and to that, I'll ask you what does that have to do with what you said? Thinking that he won't make it and saying that he definitely won't are two different things.
  2. What is there to disagree about? The odds don't say his son "won't get into the NFL"... if they did, that would mean the numbers are 0 out of everyone make it to the NFL. Since the number is very small... the odds are that you probably will not make it, or that it will be very difficult. There's really no arguing facts.
  3. I don't know which part of that sentence is funnier.
  4. Playing the odds would be "your son is most likely not going to the NFL."
  5. So are have you scouted his son's entire football career, or are you just Ms. Cleo?
  6. I agree, and I'd include Joe Buck as one of them. He thinks because his father was a great broadcaster that he is too. I'll never forget the most arrogant interview with Joe a few years ago, when he told a story about him being out one night and meeting a woman. He was going on about how the woman had never heard of him, and how apauled he was, and how the woman must have been so embarrassed. Wow, what a douche. Every time I hear him or see him I notice more and more how cool he thinks he is. That doesn't really relate to your story, only that I think people give Joe Buck more credit than he deserves just because people hear other people talk about him so much, so therefore he must be great. Its annoying.
  7. It wouldn't kill Marshall to do a bit of research on the topic and team before spouting off and looking foolish. It really is not that hard.
  8. It sounds like you wanted all of that more than your son did. If he decides he wants this, he'll buckle down in the classroom and work hard on and off the field to accomplish his goals. But you can't try to help someone who doesn't want to help themselves. There is only so much you can do. Maybe his heart isn't in it, maybe it is, who knows? But if he wants to make it happen, and it certainly sounds like he's got the talent, it shouldn't be too difficult to get it done and get noticed. Scouts are everywhere these days, he'll be fine. But he has to commit himself.
  9. Way to criticize someone else for not having the same morals as yourself. If only you were bright enough to see the irony in that.
  10. Yeah... I guess I could have put that differently
  11. Anyone can "criticize someone's looks." I could be the biggest heffer on the planet or the best looking thing since Scarlett Johansson's rack, it doesn't change how I view Marshall Faulk. Get over yourself.
  12. Faulk is a dumbass. He looks like a space martian, and I can't take him seriously. All of these "analysts" go around the league as a whole but never dive deeper down into teams and situations, and they have no idea what they're talking about because they only know what's on the surface of each team. I like how ESPN has specific analysts assigned to specific teams and divisions (like Tim Graham, Sal Paolantonio). They stay with the same teams, and only those teams, and have the time to actually know what the hell is going on with that specific team, just as a fan of that team would.
  13. Is anyone even positive the BJ scene was real? I didn't think it was.
  14. I've had both. I guess it depends on your lifestyle, what you're looking for in a dog, how much time you have at home, where you live, and on and on. You'd have to be more specific.
  15. I love comedies, and actually, I thought Hangover was the funniest movie I'd ever seen, and it wasn't even close. The entire theatre never stopped laughing for more than two minutes straight. The hilarious acts just kept coming and coming, without much pause, for the entire length of the movie. It was great, IMO.
  16. What is her age? If she is in her 40's or 50's, I'd say she looks good for her age. But if she's any younger than that I'd say she's a double bagger.
  17. I hate when it is a low-scoring game, or not much offense, and the announcer will say "its a defensive struggle." What about the defenses are struggling? It isn't a defensive struggle, it's an offensive struggle.
  18. Michael Johnson continues to look good in everything but a game.
  19. I'm not saying the guy should be punished more because it was a man victim, or that the pervert is any more wrong, all I'm saying is that it adds a funny/weird twist to the story I wasn't expected and there's nothing wrong with that.
  20. Really? There shouldn't be a difference if the guy was jerking off to a child? You just lost all credibility. The fact that it was a man throws another funny loop into the story. We thought it was a woman. The vast majority of the population are straight, therefore that is what is first thought of in their minds. Really not that difficult to grasp. Stop trying to catch people into saying they are homophobes, because its not going to work.
  21. What receiving yards stats sheet are YOU looking at? There are no Eagles in the top 10... and Curtis had 390 yards receiving last year. nfl.com
  22. She was probably giving the newest young secretary on Bill's d*ck the people's elbow.
  23. How can the Eagles even make that list? They've been trying to get receivers in there for years. Reggie Brown is completely horrible, Kevin Curtis spends more time in the trainer's room than on the field, Hank Basket barely even plays, Maclin is a rookie receiver.. we all know how that usually works out, and Jackson is pretty damn good. That's one good receiver...
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