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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. He's playing DE because they already have a NT and they want both on the field. It isn't because he can't play DT.
  2. "This is how big my vagina is after 5 kids. Its like throwing a hotdog down a hallway."
  3. If you read any of the article, you'd know exactly what it means.
  4. In my opinion, the team you consider "home" is the team represented by either the city you live in, and if you don't have a team in your city, then the state you live in. There is no reason, if you live in NYS, to root for a baseball team from another country over a team in your own damn country, in your own damn state, just because they are "technically" closer. I live here in Buffalo and root for the Mets and Knicks (unfortunately) because they represent the state that I live in. Obviously, the roots to rooting for the Cleveland Indians are here in Buffalo as well.
  5. If the character was physically known to be black, such as a cartoon or something, it could be considered racist. However, since this character was a robot and had no physical appearance indicating it was black or white, you can't assume the robot was actually supposed to represent a black person just by voice or culture.
  6. I was surprised last season when we ran the Wildcat and had Fred Jackson in the backfield instead of Parrish. I don't really know if Jackson can throw the ball, but I know Parrish can, and he's so dangerous. Maybe that can be how we get him more involved on offense.
  7. That's what getting suspended on here for calling people a retard will do to you
  8. How do you explain all the thugs that are at some of the college programs around the country and can't speak a full sentence getting into those top flight universities? They certainly didn't have the grades. Schools will find a way if they really want you. When I was in HS our RB was very, very good. In the fall of our senior year he was offered scholarships to USC, ND, PSU.. almost any school you could think of. He gave up going to class and doing homework for the rest of the year, flunked the SAT's, and all the schools recinded their offers. He was very good, but not good enough to make the schools bend over backwards for him. Probably similar to your son's situation, except definitely nowhere near as high as a 2.7.
  9. Their dongs aren't going very far? Thank God we're dealing with the Asians.
  10. A trade would likely mean a new contract from the new team. The franchise tender numbers is irrelevant except to the Carolina Panthers.
  11. Relax, Steely. All he's saying is if a question is asked to people with experience related to whatever the content, why would you answer when you have no experience? Giving advice on something you are just speculating about is dangerous to the original poster because he's going to follow what you say in making a very important decision. If you don't KNOW, don't respond like you do. Your knowledge on the topic is equal to that of the original poster's, which was zero. I'm not trying to bash you here, I'm really not, you're actually one of a few posters on here I can tolerate, I'm just trying to clarify AD's statement.
  12. It certainly doesn't make their team any worse. Ben Wallace gave them absolutely nothing, and Pavlovic is garbage. Giving up garbage for potential garbage is very low risk/high reward.
  13. Actually... that means he is on the block now...
  14. Isn't that what the "find memeber's posts" option is for?
  15. I didn't like my high school football coach much, but damn..
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