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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. Your choices are very simple. They are: 1.) Stop being a drama queen and deal with it. or 2.) Go back to dating 6's. Your choice.
  2. I don't. I don't think a good interior is going to stop Dwight Freeney, Robert Mathis, Jason Taylor, Joey Porter, John Abraham, Adalius Thomas, Calvin Pace, Mike Vrabel, Quentin Groves, Mario Williams, Kyle Vanden Bosch, Julius Peppers, Kameron Wimbley, and Gaines Adams from running around the outside and abusing an overweight/slow Langston Walker and stiff/lanky Brad Butler. The Bills are facing some serious pass rushers this year. I'm worried. The no huddle is the only chance we have at surviving.
  3. It's not the two rookies I'm worried about, it's our two tackles that are out of position.
  4. Probably because he is 4th ALL TIME in NFL history in touchdowns, and 6th ALL TIME in NFL history in receptions, and is still going. It could also be that he has more receptions in this league than Lee Evans, Josh Reed, Roscoe Parrish, James Hardy, Steve Johnson, Marshawn Lynch, Fred Jackson, Derek Fine, Derek Schouman and Corey McIntyre combined. He has more receptions than every single person on our offense put together. He also as more touchdowns than our entire roster put together, multiplied by two. To put up numbers like that consistently, you've got to have a pretty damn good skill set, I'd say.
  5. Ok, so when he was winning in SF, it was all because of Garcia, and when he was losing in Dallas it was all because of Owens. Right.
  6. No and No. If T.O. flops next year, than obviously he would not be the best player going into the following year, since his and age and obvious decline in performance knock him down a bunch of notches in the best player category. Right now, Owens has never flopped (IMO), therefore, he is still the best player on the field. Every year is a new year, and if it wasn't, by your system, Schobel would still be the best player on the team because 4 years ago he probably was, and that means he must be every year no matter if he flops or gets older.
  7. Are you serious? So I guess Robert Mathis is better than Dwight Freeney, because he had more sacks for the Colts last year. I guess Jyles Tucker is better than Shawne Merriman because he had more sacks for the Chargers last year. I could make the same for any position on any team. You are basing the "best" player off statistics, which as stated above, obviously is a flawed method.
  8. IMO, best player has to do with skill set. Regardless of how much he produces, he is better than anyone else. Lee Evans, too. Same goes for the DE that gets double teamed on passing downs because he's so good, but therefore doesn't show up on the stat sheet. We all know TO's capabilities, and IMO, he's by far the best player we've got.
  9. Let me ask you a question. Would you consider Lee Evans as one of the best players on this team, even while we don't get him the ball much because he is being covered by almost the entire defense?
  10. So if we acquired Adrian Peterson or Peyton Manning right now, they wouldn't be the best player on our team? What are you basing the "best" player on, statistics?
  11. He's not the starting TE, he will only come in on certain situations, which is the point of this thread. He will not hurt us in pass blocking because he will not be on the field doing pass blocking...
  12. Yes, and it's not even close. How can you say otherwise?
  13. How can that be sturdy enough? I couldn't see that well from the photo, but it looks like just a thin layer of glass. That's not a real balcony.
  14. I wasn't as clear about it as Kelly was. But reverse discrimination is defined as a specific type of discrimination. So if there's an instance where a minority group is discriminating against a majority group, it is still discrimination, but the type and term associated with that is called reverse discrimination.
  15. Eh, don't let that fool you. He gets his head knocked in more often than not.
  16. I hate the old 90's unis. That blue is hideous. I'd keep the dark blue unis we have now, with the white helmet and charging Buffalo, this look (except its more modern now).
  17. Nice signing. I bet this means Spacek is gone for sure.
  18. I don't know what that guy's sources are, but any time anyone from the organization was asked, they responded that he was strictly going to be a DE. I wonder if that guy is just speculating, or if he heard differently. I think it is interesting if true. Hopefully he works out at ANY position.
  19. Don't forget that Maybin was projected as a 3-4 OLB in the NFL, not a DE.
  20. I don't think the Bills have ever said that. I think they've actually said the contrary, when asked about it.
  21. Because the majority of the general public are still dumbasses.
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