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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. If he plays in camp and the preseason like he played in OTA's, then yes.
  2. The wife needs some sort of entertainment in her quarters
  3. Winfield is not saying he wants more money, he is saying he wants to remain a Viking. His contract is up after the season and he wants to stay on board. Has nothing to do with getting/deserving more money. This is not Jason Peters. He's saying everyone in the organization feels the same way and tells him the same things but no one is actually doing anything to come up with a new contract. He said the same things also happened with Matt Birk and Darren Sharper. He just wants to know what is going on.
  4. Did you even read that article? Because you don't seem to be grasping what is actually going on.
  5. The Mets had a man on 1st and 3rd, and needed a run to tie. It was the bottom of the 9th. All we needed was one hit to send home the runner from 3rd. The ball was hit, our runner from 3rd scored, but the runner from 1st took out the second baseman, stopping him from throwing to first to get the out and end the game. The ump called it, and the game was over. It was the right call IMO.
  6. Cowherd and Rhodes were talking about the snow, since Rhodes is from Texas, and how there are poles on the fire hydrants so you know where they are when there's, "13 feet of snow in August." He asked the T.O. question, Rhodes said he only knows what Owens is like on the field. Then Cowherd gushed about Trent for a little, and said our offense should be really good.
  7. I've gone to many Mets/Phillies games, so I hope I'm not mixing them up in my mind, but I believe it was the game where it ended on a controversial call, the baserunner sliding into second and taking out the 2nd basemen out of the base path. Could be wrong, but I think that was the same game.
  8. I actually believe he likes Buffalo, and the Bills. The only thing he makes fun of is the weather, which is true. Otherwise, he's usually saying something pretty good about the fans, the food, and the individual players he likes (such as Trent Edwards).
  9. Eh, I don't mind him. Sometimes when I listen I think he sounds so arrogant, but whenever the thing he's usually predicting is over, he's actually right a lot of the time.
  10. I completely disagree. I'm a Mets fan, and I wanted to watch a great pitching matchup. I went when Johan Santana and Cole Hamels were facing each other a few years back. The pitching was great, so great that 5 innings in I realized I never wanted to watch a great "pitching matchup" again. I'd watch on TV, its probably much more exciting. But when you're there, in person, with nothing to do except watch a guy throw to the catcher once every minute, with barely any swings, hits or runs... it becomes excruciatingly boring. I'll never go when two great pitchers are facing each other again. I'll watch it on TV.
  11. You nailed the topics, just out of order. It went: 1. Patriots 2. Manning 3. T.O. 4. Making fun of Buffalo
  12. Yes, soccer obviously sucks because a player shot someone. Jesus.
  13. Since when do terms of the English language need to be passed through Chef Jim? You realize that it's a real term, regardless of if it, "makes no sense to you" or not, right? Nobody really cares if you don't like it - it exists. Stop harping on Kelly like he made the word up and decided to use it himself. Jesus Christ. Arguing whether a word exists when it does makes you look like you drool out of one side of your mouth.
  14. Are you woozy? Did Marshawn hit you with his car?
  15. I like how the question is, "If T.O. doesn't re-sign... what will happen?" and then one of the answer choices is, "T.O. re-signs"
  16. Why would we trade anyone now and put ourselves in a worse position for next year? If T.O leaves we're right back in the same position as last year before he came. If he T.O. leaves after this one year, we're right back to "who the hell can produce from the #2 WR spot?" Why would we trade someone now just because T.O. is here for one year? You wait and let them develop and hope someone can step up next season.
  17. Walker has more lateral agility than Butler does. Just because he looks like he's octo-dad doesn't mean he's not mobile. Sam Adams and Pat Williams were some of the quickest guys I've seen. I'm not saying Walker is mobile, because he's not, but he is more mobile than Butler.
  18. Really? Because I think the #1 factor in being an OT who is out on an island in the NFL is mobility, and Butler doesn't have an ounce of it.
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