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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. I disagree. Poz is a run stuffer, not a pass rusher. He can play outside in a 4-3, but in a 3-4, inside is where he belongs. Also, Mitchell is a pretty darn good pass rushing LB. I think he could fit either outside or inside quite nicely. He was dominant at times rushing the passer with the Giants.
  2. There's nothing like taking a tweener 3-4 defensive end that doesn't rush the passer with the 3rd overall pick in the draft. That was unbelievable to me. In the 3-4 defense, there are so many imortant pieces, such as the NT, the OLB, ILB, ect. I'd say the DE in that defense doesn't have to be anything special, judging by the 3-4 ends that are starting around the league, i.e Justin Bannan. How the Chiefs decide to go defense with that pick, and bypass options like Raji at NT, or any of those OLB pass rushers, and instead go with the DE is beyond me. Not a way to start over a franchise, IMO.
  3. I'm going through a period similar right now. Growing up, I never had any deaths in the family, and always thought I was lucky, but now everyone is so incredibly old, they're dropping like flies. I've had 4 gone in the last two years. Best of luck to you, man.
  4. Haha.. wow. I can understand the losers on here that make ridiculous statements regarding football when they don't even watch, but it's even more embarrassing that you make those statements and you do watch.
  5. The reason he was better later in the year was because he wasn't starting anymore. McGee came back. McKelvin was a liability early in the year when he was forced into games. He was just OK later in the year when covering the other team's 3rd and 4th receivers. There was absolutely nothing you can point to in justifying him being a shutdown corner one year after he was a horrible starter. He had a good game against the Chiefs, and got torched the rest of the time. McKelvin's play making ability seems to blind average fans into thinking he's good the rest of the time he's not making plays. Similar to Kyle Williams around here. People see the 2 plays out of 10 when he juts into the backfield, but don't notice the other 8 when he's getting ran over. McKelvin was a liability last year, and there's no evidence to prove otherwise. Like I said, he got better later in the year... when he was no longer starting. It's silly to assume he magically turned into a shutdown corner in one offseason.
  6. The guy is a great kick returner, and had a good game against the Chiefs. To all of you who are virtually guaranteeing McKelvin to be one of the best corners in the league, what are you basing this on? He got torched more often than not.
  7. Well there was a non-existent black bear around the corner from my house in freaking Amherst. I guess anything's possible.
  8. Not sure if you're in the suburbs or not, but Glens Falls is pretty nice for pictures and is right off main street. What kind of pictures are you looking to take? Just nature shots? Letchworth, Allegheny, Zoar Valley...
  9. HAHAHAHAHAA! That is one of the funniest news stories I've seen on here in quite some time.
  10. It was. Jabari had 2 TD's (Jets and Rams) and McKelvin had 1 (Chiefs). I remember Mitchell against SD, the Poz deflection (Jets?), Corner, McKelvin's 2nd during the Chiefs game, McGee probably had the rest.
  11. I'm saying I don't care about that as long as he's got one before the season starts. It is in his best interest NOT to play out the franchise tag, and to get a deal done.
  12. I don't think the franchise tag was an advantage for Cassel, I think it was a disadvantage. He is not a proven player in this league. He was never good enough to start on his own in college or the pro's, and when he did, it was on one of the greatest franchises in NFL history. No one knows if Cassel's performance was that of the team around him, or himself. The franchise tag would pay him a lot of money this year, but it is only for one season. That gives everyone the ability to see what Cassel can do away from New England and if he can succeed. That is a gamble for Matt. You could make a lot of money this year, but if you don't have a good season, you're never going to see money like that again come off season contract time. With a long term deal (and no franchise tag), you're getting into guaranteed money and longevity of a deal that is hard for teams to break. In essence, you have a longer time to prove yourself. I think it was in Matt's best interest to score a deal (like he did) early and not play out the terms of the franchise tender, guaranteeing himself some money in this league and for the future. Who knows how this upcoming season will playout for Matt and the Chiefs.
  13. I see your point. When I went to the bar to watch the games while in college, I never spent anything at the bar because I was too hungover from the Saturday night prior, and couldn't fathom the taste of alcohol at that point in the day. I was normally waking up (and setting an alarm) for noon, so everything was like breakfast for me. I guess now would be quite different.
  14. Does anyone else think that is ridiculously expensive? I could care less about watching more obscure games around the league when they've already got double headers on the regular stations every weekend. All I need to see is the Bills, and whatever game is on the other channel. If you aren't in the area to get Bills games, you can easily watch them online or find a bar/restaurant to go to. I did it for 4 years in college. I don't think I'd ever pay that much for Sunday Ticket when all of the important games are free.
  15. That is not a pretty good defense, IMO. Marvin Lewis was brought in as a defensive coach in order to turn that defense around for a team who's offense already had the players in place to be successful. He's been coaching that team since 2003. Six years later, the best you can do, is 19th in points allowed and 12th in yardage? Meanwhile teams behind you in those rankings are making the playoffs? Not to mention that your team acts like a bunch of juvenile jackasses and your franchise is the laughing stock of the league. That's a fail, IMO.
  16. Of course a sad day for your son is also a sad day for you. What dad out there isn't upset when his son blows out his knee and his playing days are over? Seeing loved ones in pain also causes pain for you, unless you don't have a soul.
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