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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. I think it's funny that real estate agent has to go back to work with her entire office knowing that she slept with her client. Awkwaaaard.
  2. I think it is ironic that a white, Super Bowl winning QB has almost the same circumstances in an incident as a black basketball player from the NBA, yet the black man is portrayed as being a monster, while the white QB's case is all about bashing the "greedy whore." Just throwing that out there.
  3. I've also seen Ryan Denney jerseys around.
  4. I know it's just me, but I have no idea why anyone would want a Brian Moorman jersey. I see them everywhere. Even if he were my favorite player, I could never wear one because it illustrates how bad we are as a team when our fans are wearing the jersey of our punter. I would never want any fan from another team to see that schit. It's embarrassing, IMO. I can't believe someone actually had a Jason Whittle jersey. It must have been family or a personal friend?
  5. So is it on every Monday at 10 now?
  6. T.O. has the ability to accelerate in game conditions that are not present when running 40 yards for no reason to a stopwatch. I've seen the guy catch up and pass, receivers who are running down field with the ball, so he could get infront and make a block for the guy. He literally comes out of nowhere, while receivers and DB's are sprinting as fast as they can. This ability is also present when the ball is in the air. I don't care what his listed 40 time is, he has another level of speed. The dude is fast.
  7. Crowell is a better player. He's better against the run, and he's better in almost all game situations than Ellison. He is more stout in the run game. Doesn't that mean our run defense would have been a tad better? He most certainly makes more tackles than Ellison does. Doesn't that mean maybe a few first downs wouldn't have been made and our defense off the field? He doesn't have to literally win a game by making a flashy individual play to have a positive affect on the outcome of the game. He makes more tackles, and makes other people's jobs easier by being better at his own.
  8. You just love these sure fire statements and predictions, don't you?
  9. I think there are many things that are different between cultures. Do I really need to highlight those? The people in the article certainly seem to have issues that are very common among all marriages. I'm saying, it is the little things that cause those problems to arise, that are different. I'm not black, and I don't know how kids are brought up in relation to their values on marriage, women and chores around the house, or handling house finances. But, I'm sure that certain things are valued more than others in each culture, and that certainly makes circumstances different in dealing with the umbrella issue at hand. However, you're right. This particular couple seems to have much more similarity to everyone involved in marriage.
  10. Dean, don't waste your brain cells. He's a loser.
  11. Actually, we agree that you can't predict the future.
  12. Ok then, we agree. Glad you can see things my way!
  13. Highlight some of the challenges of a marriage that applies to both cultures.
  14. What does that have to do with anything? Are you trying to say that because he's never literally won a game outright, that he is incapable of making a big play to do so for the rest of his career?
  15. No, because black and white culture is different.
  16. I'm not going to waste my time breaking down the Bills season for those who are mentally incapable of processing what they claim to be watching. You have absolutely no idea what could happen. Who's to say Crowell didn't grab an interception and take it back to the house? Who's to say he didn't cause a fumble that gave our offense back the ball late in the game? You have absolutely no idea what could have happened. All of that is perfectly reasonable, seeing as how he's a much better player than Ellison.
  17. Who are you, Ms. Cleo? Don't make ridiculous statements that you can't even come close to proving, and state them as if they are fact.
  18. Attitude, team player, all that crap. And Bruce wasn't as good against the run as you say. He could chase a play down from behind, but couldn't hold at the point of attack. That's why teams just ran right at him.
  19. They should have been thrown in jail. Fake ass wannabe entreprenuers.
  20. Reggie was probably the better all around player, though.
  21. Bruce. More sacks, and in a 3-4 defense at DE. Case closed.
  22. No I don't.
  23. Wow, go back to watching Barney. Keith isn't a bad player at all, he just isn't a good one. He doesn't hurt our defense in being out there, he just doesn't do much to help it. Being average is far from "sucking" and "having no place in the NFL." Seriously, get a clue.
  24. I don't see how you come to that conclusion. Because they pursued someone better at the position, that means they don't think Ellison is a starter? That makes no sense. If Ray Lewis were cut, and we wanted to sign him, does that mean they don't view Poz as a starter in this league? No. It just means Ray is better, just like Pisa was. The Bills obviously don't have a problem with Ellison starting, as evident by not drafting anybody worth a damn, and not signing anyone in free agency to upgrade the position. Had they viewed Ellison as an incapable starter, they would have done something to solidify the position.
  25. Dude, you joined this site THIS MONTH and have 305 posts. Chill out.
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