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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. Oh, yes. Because teams weren't ambushing our phones to give up their high first rounders for him, that means he's not a good player. Very sound argument technique. My bad.
  2. That must have been quite a feat.
  3. Seeing the first is implying that the last actually ended.
  4. Jesus Christ. The original poster brought up a bunch of black guys and one white guy. I asked what he noticed about them. Owens was included in there. What is so hard about that?
  5. We got all this fresh meat in this thread, and you bring one that looks like John Kerry with a wig to the table?
  6. Just fyi... that is a horrible argument.
  7. Ben is the golden boy QB that just won the Super Bowl. The rest are a bunch of monsters and thugs from the streets that fit the civilian profile of criminal activity. Not a hard picture to paint.
  8. Aaaaaand yet you still don't answer the question. Rough morning around here?
  9. Jesus Christ, what a whore! And Melissa wins hands down, IMO.
  10. Tell me what you notice here, and maybe it can answer your question. Michael Vick, Pac man Jones, Terrell Owens, Kobe Bryant, Corey McIntyre. vs. Ben Roethlisburger I'll give you a hint: It rhymes with face.
  11. You clearly have never heard of "The Main Place Mall." We already had that. It failed, miserably. A Mall downtown does no good because hardly anyone lives down there to shop in it. The main place mall failed for that reason alone. Their only business was the customers at lunch time during the work week.
  12. The way that thing balances exactly like a human does scares the schit out of me.
  13. For any rapists out there: Rape a crazy woman. Then, in court, all you have to do is show she's crazy and no one will believe her.
  14. That's still not as scary to me as knowing that Skooby has kids. I don't know what's worse, Skooby procreating, or the person that was attracted to him enough to sleep with him.
  15. I turned that schit off. Most boring waste of time ever. And ridiculously slow, too.
  16. Wow. Not after this coming season, but after the following one, here are their free agents: Tom Brady Randy Moss Matt Light Logan Mankins Laurence Maroney They are going to lose probably two of those. I'd say Maroney and one of the linemen. Maybe even 3 of those. That is huge. And did anyone else notice Richard Seymour is only 29 years old? Jesus, I thought that guy was ancient.
  17. Really? You sure about that?
  18. May God have mercy on your soul.
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