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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. Yes, I have an avatar that says "Patriots Suck" with the picture. Clearly, I'm a homosexual.
  2. I just read the article. All they have to say is, "Bobby Wade said that Brian Urlacher said that Jay Cutler was a p*ssy." What a bunch of high school girls. Who the f*ck cares.
  3. When I said "played" I meant actually giving a damn and performing at the high level he was capable of. Sure, he was in the game. That's the bad part. And the reason he was a starter was not because of his play.
  4. Didn't play well enough? He barely played at all. It's not as if he was trying and failing. He wasn't trying, and didn't seem to give a schit that he was killing the team and letting everyone around him down, while simultaneously collecting his large paycheck every week. The signed contract is an agreement of duties. The Bills are going to give you this amount of money for you to do your job. He took the money without fulfilling his duty, or even attempting to.
  5. Probably because he already had the chance, a chance not many people are lucky to have, and instead of taking advantage he literally stole money from the Bills organization. I hope he never makes it back into the NFL and can truly understand what he chose to give up by not giving a damn.
  6. It's not about him as a QB. Derrick Mason suprise retired a few weeks ago and they are starving for receivers and playmakers on that offense. Right now all they've got is Michael Clayton, no one else is a game breaker. Vick would add playmaking ability to that offense from any position which is something they desperately need. It has nothing to do with Flacco and the QB job.
  7. None of those players should be on there... ever.
  8. There's at least 6. Owens, Evans, Reed, Parrish, Jenkins, Huggins.
  9. Derrick Brooks is perhaps the best player in Buccs history. Their fans even go as far as saying he was the best OLB to play the game. He has been the leader and face of that franchise for the last 14 years. Teams tend to hold on to those players as long as they can. What does it say when the guy who has been coaching Brooks for the last few years on defense, gets promoted to head coach, and outright cuts the guy from the team? If there were anything left in the tank, the Buccs would keep a guy like that around, especially with having a guy with serious knee problems (Crowell) take his place.
  10. Brooks has dropped in tackles every single year for the last 5 seasons. Last year was his biggest drop off, falling over 30 tackles short of the year previous. He hasn't tallied a sack in 4 years. He only plays 2 downs. He is 36 years old. I'm guessing you didn't watch the Buccs much last year. He was slow to react, and even when he got to the player, was missing tackles all over the place. This guy gives you absolutely nothing on the field. Not to mention having him here stunts the growth of all the young, talented guys at the position. Keith Ellison is a much better option at this point.
  11. You must be confused about the term "high level." Or you have really low standards.
  12. Maybe they want someone experienced who can step in and play, not hold everyone around him down because he doesn't know what he's doing, like a rookie or young guy. Not sure though.
  13. Or... James Hardy is hurt. Steve Johnson is hurt. C.J. Hawthorne is hurt. P.K. Sam is hurt. Shawn Nelson is hurt. Owens and Evans start, with Reed and Parrish getting plays in with 1st team, and we don't have anyone other than Felton Huggins and Justin Jenkins to run 2nd and 3rd team reps.
  14. I was absolutely stunned when I saw they named a new coordinator a week or so ago. I wasn't even aware Jim had cancer. I just assumed since he was so old, and battling an illnes, that he had retired or taken some sort of leave. I can't believe he's dead.
  15. I agree. Also, the bus ride is not more than 5 mins long. It really isn't that bad.
  16. They hold practice. They essentially say, "Hey, we're having practice, if anyone wants to watch us then go ahead, we're at St. John Fisher College."
  17. Training camp is free. They don't have to do anything to please you. Gas costs a million dollars and they only charge you $1 dollar for the bus ride. Stop complaining. Just be happy they provide transportation for you. If they charged admission, then we could talk.
  18. That would be comparing them...
  19. That's exactly what he'd do. He'll come in for a few plays a game and run the wildcat. A creative team would line him up in different positions all over the field and utilize his talent. He's not going to come in, 2 years out of the league, and be a standard drop back QB. It's just not going to happen.
  20. Are you kidding? McCargo has the most talent at DT on our roster, including Stroud. Stroud is a much better player, but there isn't anyone out there quicker and faster than McCargo. The guy has all the talent in the world and hasn't put it together. I hope next time you'd watch a little more instead of making up incorrect facts.
  21. Whatever team Vick goes to, he won't sniff a starting QB role. Everyone knows that, including Florence. This has nothing to do with Trent, it is about adding another playmaker, not QB.
  22. I have no problem with that, except for Ellis.
  23. I don't know what that guy's talking about, because Gholston was all over the field at Ohio State.
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