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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. You guys on this Wood and Levitre bullsh*t are an absolute joke. "Wood is amazing and Levitre got abused." And why do you say that? Because you saw Levitre get pushed back once, and didn't see Wood get pushed back, so that must mean Levitre sucked and Wood was great. Too bad none of you actually watched them play specifically. Wood missed more blocks than Levitre did. Go back and watch. Go back and count. I had missed assignments at Wood 3, Levitre 2. Stop coming up with an analysis off of one damn play.
  2. Trent has always had good velocity on short and intermediate passes. It's the long ones that don't seem to go that far, causing the receiver to always have to stop and hold up for the ball.
  3. How in the world could Manning have better numbers than McNabb? The guy lost his entire offense. In a span of two years, no Plaxico, no Shockey, no Toomer, no Ward. What weapons does he have now? Dominick Hixon? Kevin Boss? He is not a wise option for fantasy football IMO.
  4. I was thinking the same thing. I leaned over to my brother and said, "Doesn't that guy look like Dick Jauron?"... my brother said, "No, this guy isn't decaying"
  5. Cool stuff, SDS. Great job! Does anyone have pics from the HOF event?
  6. Not true at all. Mike McKenzie held out throughout the entire training camp, and even missed the first game of the season. Brian Westbrook heldout during the offseason, and didn't show up until the second week of camp.
  7. Do yourself a favor and either read his book or do a google search. Advising his clients to hold out is a part of his strategy.
  8. Not working as in not getting that much more money, but it's not about that, it's about the publicity. It doesn't matter if you take less on the deal holding out. For every big time holdout, you garner media attention and publicity, it's free advertising. That gets you more customers, and the deal that "didn't really work" just gave you more deals through clients you've just acquired.
  9. Big disputes? Chad Johnson, Terrell Owens, Sean Taylor, Javon Walker, Dan Morgan and now Mario Henderson, to name a few.
  10. Actually, it's quite sad. When he was registered by the NFLPA it gave me hope that not all agents were out for themselves. He was a great guy, very loyal, and he literally made himself successful from nothing. Over the years, the deeper he's gotten into the business, it is my opinion that he's become more and more like his counterparts, and thus, we've begun to lose touch. It's a shame, really. I guess it's the business, it seems like that's the only way to become successful at it.
  11. One of my very close friends is an NFL agent. Naturally, he is friends with a lot of other agents around the league and in other sports. I've met a ton of them. They are persuaders, that's what they do. They've been in the business, unlike these kids. These kids have no idea what goes on in the business side of the NFL, the agents do, hence why there is a profession for them. These kids put their trust in the agent, and when the agent tells the kid what he can do for him, and how much he's going to be able to get, these kids go along with it. They become persuaded. I've seen it, I know it for a fact. They are slick bastards who know how to manipulate these unknowledgeable and easily persuadable kids. The agent persuades the kid in what he's worth, and how much he's going to be able to get.
  12. I don't know about that. Rosenhaus got his fame from having big time holdouts, and his name being out in the media all the time. Parker has begun to do the same with Peters, and now Crabtree. This attention puts his name out there, positive or negative.
  13. He'll eventually have to sign, and Singletary isn't going to put up with his garbage if he brings any to the field with him.
  14. My response from the other thread: They would be beyond stupid to do that. There's no way they would. I don't understand how that is a threat, because they'd lose a ton of money. A WR that played in the spread offense, didn't run a 40 yard dash, hasn't played football in over a year, and held out for ridiculous amounts of money, would not be drafted anywhere near the top 10 next year. And if he isn't, he's losing a ton of money by sliding down the draft order, and also a year's salary. I don't understand how that's a threat. If anything, the 49ers should be using that as a threat, not Parker.
  15. They would be beyond stupid to do that. There's no way they would. I don't understand how that is a threat, because they'd lose a ton of money. A WR that played in the spread offense, didn't run a 40 yard dash, hasn't played football in over a year, and held out for ridiculous amounts of money, would not be drafted anywhere near the top 10 next year. And if he isn't, he's losing a ton of money by sliding down the draft order, and also a year's salary. I don't understand how that's a threat. If anything, the 49ers should be using that as a threat, not Parker.
  16. What makes you think their clients "tell them what to do"?
  17. In deciding how they are different, you are comparing them. You can compare anyone, I can't stand when people say things like "don't you dare compare Trent Edwards to Joe Montana"... why?
  18. I would hope so, considering he's going up against air
  19. I think he said he's putting him on the PUP list, not cutting him.
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