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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. is there any kind of law that doesnt require all those hours?
  2. i agree, i think to be INVITED to play in the olympics they should definitely take care of that stuff, thats rediculous, i mean this is the olympics, not some pick-up league. Im not excusing his behavior but that is odd.
  3. that doesnt only apply to lineman, thats for everybody in college
  4. i dont believe in not cutting a person because there is no viable backup. If we're even thinking about cutting a starter, isnt it because they havent performed well in the first place? So one would rather not cut the player, who is not a viable starter, because the back up sucks just as bad? i understand some may be for cap reasons but the majority of our cuts is because they suck. I wouldnt want to keep a guy who's horrible because we have terrible back ups, theres always free agency and the draft anyways
  5. I think Bill from NYC adressed this point well, but i will also. Are you trying to say that after the first 15-20 picks theres no more skilled players? I dont really know where you're going with this, everybody picked in the first round is "high profile." At the top of the draft when there are great skill postions available there are also great lineman available, just like when it gets to the end, there are pretty good skill players and pretty good lineman, my point being they could still have picked skill positions if they wanted to.
  6. Seymour is a star, Woody is a star, so much so that he commanded so much money the pats didnt want to pay and almost every team wanted him when he left, I personally think Wilfork is outstanding, Warren has been injured, I think Watson is an outstanding player as well, i bet you would want those players on our team.
  7. wait.... you cant be serious, they dont play on the line? HAHAHAHAHAHAA
  8. so if the jets were under the cap are you saying he would still be cut?
  9. dont forget to draft a non- #1 WR each year too
  10. another interesting piece of info i found, i dont think its a coincidence that NE has had their recent success along with using their first round picks on offense and defensive lineman. 1999 1 Damien Woody C Boston College 2000 1 Adrian Klemm T Hawaii 2001 1 Richard Seymour DT Georgia 2002 1 Dan Graham TE Colorado 2003 1 Ty Warren DT Texas A&M 2004 1 Vince Wilfork DT Miami (FL) Ben Watson TE Georgia 2005 1 Logan Mankins G Fresno State thats every year for the past 7 years, or 8 in the past 7. It also didnt hurt that they got tom brady in the 6th round.
  11. its not like they were cut because they suck, the jets are like $400m over the cap, its not the same thing
  12. i also think that our front office will make the right decisions, but we as bills fans have to understand that there will be tough years in terms of salary cap hell, its natural. I wouldnt want us to always be perfectly under the cap but suck, i just want to win, whatever it takes i just want to win
  13. i think you're right, but i also think you're overlooking the bigger picture. If we were a wining football team, do we even have this conversation? Wining can make players come to buffalo, wining can balance the ledger, and wining can restore our credibility.
  14. i am against anymore fat linemen too, but if you just look at a picture of ngata, he doesnt even looke 340, so im not worried with him, he must have a lot of muscle or something. But Gilles looks rediculous, i wouldnt draft a guy like that. i think ngata is safe, google his name in the images or something. there should be some picks of him
  15. Jets | Kendall release coming this week Tue, 21 Feb 2006 06:14:42 -0800 Dave Hutchinson, of the Star-Ledger, reports the New York Jets will release OG Pete Kendall sometime this week. Jets | Fabini release coming this week Tue, 21 Feb 2006 06:14:04 -0800 Dave Hutchinson, of the Star-Ledger, reports the New York Jets will release OT Jason Fabini sometime this week. Do you think the Bills would have any interest in either of these to options if they hit the market?
  16. so if the nfl knows, why isnt he suspended already? if they dont know yet, will the suspension come before we even know what he tested positive for?
  17. ok, so now we know that he did indeed fail the drug test, and its not just that he missed it. But i dont understand why they dont know what he failed the test with, and why they said it will take a while before everything is determined? Does anyone know why this is? i guess i just assumed that when one fails, you know what they had in their system
  18. i think we would have to go through free agency, i cant see us drafting a WR and expecting him to be great coming out, we need a veteran with evans and parrish.
  19. not to take a shot at you or anything, but can you really make such a strong assumption like this without ever seeing him play? just seems odd to me you can make a judgement like that when you dont know how dominant or non dominant he can be
  20. no i know that, but that doesnt even make sense, say something funny but at least have it make sense, its just me i guess
  21. I think he's going to be a good player, but im not sold on him yet. Career back up? what games were you watching this year? because it wasnt the Bills. Why are we high on him? because he came in as a rookie and did a pretty damn good job, so just imagine what he'll do when he becomes experienced. Im not counting on anything i just think he'll be fine.
  22. if you go to nfl.com and go to nfl draft 2006 there is video of each position. Nobody beat mangold i dont think, i just didnt like how he got pushed back so much, watch each c/g they talk about, gabe watson just bull rushes all of them backwards, even spencer. Now wether or not some team can get him to do that every play is another question.
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