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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. if this is the case we need to somehow get a DT
  2. i'll figure what out? did i complain about anything? did i try to compare my situation to anyone elses? did i even say i have a situation? the answer to all of these questions are no. Welcome to earth? ends in stan? im propably more down to earth about that situation than anyone in this thread, remember im young? which means some of my closest friends are over there fighting right now? i give my full support to those of you who have sons and daughters over there right now. I really dont understand why people are going to tell me my situation when they really know nothing. For instance, simon is telling me that i dont have any misfortunes, he's never met me nor does he know anything about my life. Alexander Hamilton is telling me that the place "I" live in is not dangerous, when we all know for a fact he doesnt live there, and now you're telling me im not down to earth? i said what i needed to say, apologized for what i needed to apologize for (which non of the other "adults" on here have).
  3. thats interesting, what do you think about that pick? was ngata already gone?
  4. i dont know how many times i have to say this, i wasnt making fun of anyone, it was a simple comment, geez. I have to say that if i thought someone was making fun of it, i would have responded the way you did, and i understand your feelings about the issue, but try to understand im not doing what you're saying im doing. I apologize and shouldnt have brought family matters into the situation, that was my mistake, but other than that i regret nothing, i didnt make fun, and i only defended myself against someone who mis-interpreted the comment. im sorry that you thought wrong and all of this had to happen, but try to realize that you may have twisted the comment, frankly i dont think im as smart as what you think i meant by it lol.
  5. 1. Mario 2. Brick 3. Ngata 4. Davis 5. Huff
  6. Jon Alston is his new alias. He changed his name after a few years because he failed miserably at trying to make the pros. You might have heard of him, his name used to be Mike Mamula.......... JUST kidding But for real i dont know who he is either, but if he could play football good we would know who he is. These numbers dont mean he can all of a sudden play.
  7. wow, only 5 AA head coaches, thats crazy. And they say its not a racial thing
  8. I dont see this one, a lot of sites are similar, but a lot of sites are different. If you get past the first 5 picks you will see that most mock drafts are not the same. I know on the site that i use, the guy that does the profiles will tell you wether the guy is garbage or not, it doesnt matter what everybody else said (he hated philip rivers). Since you dont run a draft site yourself, it isnt your position to say what they do and how they do it behind the scenes. I dont know which argument you are taking, whether or not you mean that a lot of players in those rounds dont turn out to be very good, or that you cant find gems every once in a while. But if you're indicating that you can find gems, that doesnt mean that the team that drafted them knew they were going to be stars, if they did they would have drafted them in the 1st or 2nd. most of the time they dont grade the teams based on the actual players they took, they grade based on what the team needed going into the draft, and how those needs were or were not fulfilled at the end. But the ones that do grade based on what they, not anybody else, thinks about the players is quite stupid.
  9. i really dont see where any of this is going. i dont care what you think about the area that "I" live in. i just dont know what you are trying to prove wrong, or what you're getting at. i dont have to tell you the conditions of the place where i reside, it doesnt matter, because you dont reside there with me, therefore your opinion means nothing. if you could tell me what you are trying to argue, then maybe we have something, or i can at least respond.
  10. it used to? the building just opened up a month or so ago.
  11. bye bye eric, if chad jackson is there in the 2nd round do you take him?
  12. i was comparing the post, not them, why dont you respond to my post. i'd like to hear your take.
  13. no worse than any other bad neighborhood? ha, tell that to me when you've been on north broad and susquehana. i'd like to see you live there man.
  14. didnt i already say im not a temple law student?
  15. listen, try to understand this. i did not make fun of these kids, what dont you get about this? how is saying that the post was a lifetime special making fun of kids in a civil war? that was a joke relating to the poster, has nothing to do with these players. what i meant was.... although it is a sad story, it's not going to make me as an owner give them millions of dollars and draft them. nothing to do with making fun of them.
  16. it's a shame that people all under the same topic (bills fans) have to resort to stupid comments, myself included. I find it interesting that i can say "lifetime special" and a member who's clearly been on here longer than me can flip out and act juvenile, again, myself included
  17. ok i still dont understand, how did i make fun of anybody less fortunate than me, my point was that i live with/hang around/friends with people of similar circumstance, hence north philly. i didnt make fun of anybody like that, never would, i have no reason to, most of my friends are like that. I actually have heard about mr. hali prior to this post. Since philly is so close to NJ, i have 2 friends from teaneck, where he teaches. One of the two friends i mentioned, her father coaches the teaneck football team. i wasnt making fun of either of those two players, i was making fun of you.
  18. i really dont understand, how did i try showing you my life was rough? you forced the issue, all i said was the comment about the lifetime special, i didnt say anything until you brought it on. btw you're still wrong, im not a law student at temple
  19. haha, i bet im a bigger ass now for making you and simon look stupid right? hahahahahaha
  20. i wonder of he has some sort of injury clause? do you know anything about that or is he completely free from us? is his injury fine now too?
  21. here you go buddy http://www.temple.edu/cs/techcenter/ do you see the big sign that says open 24 hours? lol i just think its funny, i dont even know why you got so angry over nothing in the first place, and also that a kid can get the better of you
  22. btw simon, is that your daughter in your pic? she looks kinda cute
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