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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. With Maybin being strictly a specialist, I'd also suspect DE as one of the top positions to draft next year, since Kelsay is horrible and I think Schobel will prove this year that he's done. That leaves 2 DE spots to be filled in the offseason, if correct.
  2. The thread title suggests you were talking about both players. I'm going to assume the title was changed to also add the center, who I thought had a huge chance at making the roster.
  3. Son of b*tch! I really liked that guy. Definite sleeper. He seemed to get a sack every day in practice (yes... I know).
  4. I was disappointed in what I saw from Schouman on Sunday. He just can't block... at all. Fine is a better blocker and much better receiver than Schouman. I really like Stupar as well. I remember trolling the Pats board a year or so ago and finding many posts about how upset they were that some guy named Jonathan Stupar was cut. I had no idea who he was at the time, but remembered the name when we picked him up. Sure enough, he has become a favorite of Bills fans just like he was in New England. I'd definitely cut Schouman for Stupar. Schouman doesn't give us anything that someone else at TE is already better at. Fine can handle the duties with Nelson getting reps here and there as well. And, IMO, Stupar will be just fine in real game situations and can probably play special teams better.
  5. First off, I believe Trent will show a lot this year and be the starter on this team for the foreseeable future. But, to answer your hypothetical, I would never feel comfortable drafting a QB high in the first round. Look at the numbers, the risk is just too high, and I believe the majority don't even pan out. I'd look for a veteran QB in free agency first. If nothing there, I'd look to swing a minor trade such as the Vikings with Sage Rosenfels. I'd then draft a QB in the 2nd or 3rd round to develop. That gives you an average to above average NFL veteran starter, or at least a capable one that gives your team a chance, and also the young guy you hope is the future developing behind him. That's JMO on how to handle a QB situation. I hate those high first rounders.
  6. Go on craigslist. I saw a 99 neon for $650. You can find some deals on there.
  7. Especially this year with the no huddle offense. Can you imagine the pressure put on the other team if the Bills were able to get the ball to start the game, go right down the field and score quickly? In no time the other team is down 7 points.
  8. Not even close to being the point of what he was saying, but way to go anyway!
  9. I know there is, but the other poster is arguing that those plays didn't happen... or something.
  10. What do you mean only the first two series? Those were the two examples I was talking about.
  11. You want to keep arguing the facts, eh? Here you are, from Ron's analysis:
  12. Could you please spell his name right? Can anyone? He did look a lot different, even since opening weekend in camp. Might be too little too late, though.
  13. The idea that I think not knowing assignments is worse than being out-muscled is just my opinion. Saying Wood missed more blocks is not.
  14. Those jerseys look disgusting in public. Just fyi.
  15. Are you serious? If you really don't understand what I'm annoyed about after all that I've posted, and actually believe that the conclusion you'e just drawn is legitimately connected to my statements, then I feel sorry for the friends and family that have to deal with you on a regular consistent basis. May God be with you. I'll pray for them.
  16. Wood played worse IMO because he seemed to not know what he was doing at all times, mentally. There were times where he didn't know who to block, or got beaten outright. As I said in another post, the guy that knows exactly what he's doing but needs to add more strength in the weight room is a more NFL ready player than the guy who is mauling someone on one play and allowing his man into the backfield on the next because he's blocking the wrong player. I'm not intending to bash Wood, or to say that he's not ready, or to say that he won't be good. I love what I've seen from Eric Wood thus far, and he's got me really excited. I just couldn't stand to read the comments from people saying that Wood looked "amazing" while Levitre got "abused." It is ridiculous. Those comments are coming from people who don't know what they're talking about, and don't know what they're looking for. They didn't watch nearly enough to make a statement like that, and they probably only say that because they saw Levitre look like a school boy on that one play. Both Wood and Levitre are great prospects, but they both had their share of difficulties last night. It annoys me when people annoint Levitre as getting "abused" for a game just because they saw one bad play, while not noticing the other bad and good plays.
  17. Really? How many times have you watched the game? I can guarantee it isn't more than I. I watched each play of both of them multiple times. I even counted their mistakes, as I mentioned prior. My guess is that you have no actual basis for making a comment like, "Levitre got blown up a few times and missed a couple of assignments." How much is a couple? How much is a few? Let me guess, you watched the game the first time and that's it, right? You saw the one play where Levitre got his ass handed to him, and that serves as your evidence that he "got blown up a few times" and "missed a couple of assignments." My guess is that you just watched the game, every once in a while glancing down to check out Wood or Levitre, but only really noticing them when they got pushed back into the backfield, obstructing your view of the play. Don't criticize someone else when they've done more research than you and have determined actual facts. Wood missed more assignments than Levitre, and that is a fact. If you don't believe me, go back and watch, and count. Next time you try arguing, you should probably try watching a bit more first.
  18. When you watch the RT take the LDE, and then Wood helping Hangartner to double the RDT, leaving the guy right over Wood's face, the LDT, to run directly into the backfield untouched with no back in the backfield, that is a missed assignment/missed communication by Wood. When Wood's man literally rips through his arms and turns upfield, causing Edwards to be flushed out of the pocket and get sacked by someone else, that is a missed assignment by Wood. It does not take a genius to watch the game over and see Wood either get beaten, or watch his man running free while he helps double someone else. It is different if there's a TE that is supposed to help out, or even a RB, but when there are neither, Wood is not understanding what he's supposed to be doing. You cannot tell me that Wood had a better night and the he is more NFL ready. Wood seemed like he didn't know the correct calls and who he was supposed to take on a number of plays. I'm not saying he played extremely bad, I'm saying he and Levitre both learned some lessons last night. Levitre may have gotten beat by pure strength, but IMO, a smart player who knows what he's supposed to do that just needs to get stronger, is a much further along player than a monster that is running around without his head.
  19. Here is my post from the other threads about the interior of the line last night. Anyone that actually watched Wood and Levitre on every play, after the game, can see that what I wrote is true. But most of the morons see Levitre getting pushed back, and then when one idiot starts claming at how bad Levitre was and how good Wood was, the rest of the gang follows suit.
  20. Another interesting note, at least for me, was that I knew since I saw my first practice this year that the Bills would not play C Marvin Philip in the preseason. I mentioned before how good he looked to me out there, and I was betting on the Bills not playing him so they could stash him on the practice squad. My thoughts were confirmed for last night, at least. On another note, Brandon Rodd is really, really bad. Oh, and once again, Wood actually played worse than Levitre.
  21. Wood better be able to play better. He nearly let a DT eat Trent for dinner, and missed a couple run block assignments.
  22. You guys on this Wood and Levitre bullsh*t are an absolute joke. "Wood is amazing and Levitre got abused." And why do you say that? Because you saw Levitre get pushed back once, and didn't see Wood get pushed back, so that must mean Levitre sucked and Wood was great. Too bad none of you actually watched them play specifically. Wood missed more blocks than Levitre did. Go back and watch. Go back and count. I had missed assignments at Wood 3, Levitre 2. Stop coming up with an analysis off of one damn play.
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