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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. Strictly looking at the two players, i like bunkley better. As i have said in other posts, i feel that ngata is only a 2 down player and then has to come off the field on third down and i dont see paying a guy top 10 money to come off the field on the most crucial down. He has injury concerns and i find it odd that nobody was talking about him during the season. However, since Bunkley is a lot smaller of a body, i worry how it would affect the make up of our team. We would have 2 smallish DT's in Tripplett and Bunkley along with a MLB that is 5'9''. Im thinking that it would be easy to run on us up the middle still, and wonder if Ngata being able to take up blockers so that fletcher can get free actually benefits our team more than Bunkley, even though as i said before i think he is the overall better player. I just worry about 3 small guys in the heart of our defense. Does this problem of the 3 small guys lead us to favor ngata? or should you just take the better player in Bunkley?
  2. thomas is a fat lard, hes so lazy that they had to replace him every other play with the "high motor" sam rayburn why do you think they've been looking for DT's the past few years? simon and thomas havent been getting it done, if you want to trade for a DT on that team lets get rayburn
  3. lets put it this way, i never notice who is in whether its denney or kelsay, thats probably a bad thing, but neither of them dominates, he could get quality time here.
  4. thats exactly the thinking that has occured over the last 5-6 years, once we get to second round there will be another good player there, and then you'll say, "we should take him, we can get another lineman in the 3rd round" and so on. Pretty soon you end up taking mike puccilo in the 6th rd and then your like oh sh.... we have no lineman. we need lineman, so take one, its as simple as that. there will always be good players available, so dont wait for the time where this isnt.
  5. im not quite sure what you want his role to actually be, like a 3rd down back? i think that shaud williams did a great job last year on draws and screens. I dont think that is a position we need to upgrade. Plus, im not sure how the new staff feels, but i remember last year mularkey was trying to get willis to take over the third down role himself, and become more of a receiver. We need a backup RB to willis because shaud williams cannot fill that role, but as a 3rd down back on screens and draws he is very good.
  6. yes i know it has helped with SOME quarterbacks, but just because a QB goes through NFL Europe doesnt mean he is going to be better. Remember Kevin Thompson last year? he was one of the better QB's over there and he couldnt even come back and beat out shane matthews as a 3rd stringer. Everybody screams kurt warner, but when you have hundreds of players going through a league your bound to have someone turn out good, i can name far more players that cam out of there and sucked than succeeded, so lets wait and see, im just saying lets not get excited that hes doing well over there, it doesnt mean anything yet, lets see how it translates over here first.
  7. jim kelly was way worse with his attitude when he came to buffalo and marv turned him around, so lets wait and see.
  8. was this a big secret? im pretty sure regardless of who we signed we were going to focus on lineman in the draft
  9. who cares? nfl europe doesnt matter, we also had the league mvp and leading rusher a few years back, ken simonton, yeah that worked out real well
  10. think of how dumb the phrase "as of right now" is. why would we name a starting QB right now, we havent gone through the draft, all the minicamps, training camp, preseason games, and cuts. what does this matter? with that said i also voted
  11. i gotta be honest here, i wasnt thinking football when i saw the title said 130kg snatch, i looked again and saw something about cleaning and jerking, and i figured i should just stay away from this post lol
  12. vince young? are you serious? so jp losman, a guy who sat for one year learning, then starting the majority of his second year, isnt ready, but a JUNIOR college quarterback who's best attribute is his running abilty and no nfl experience let alone 4 YEARS IN COLLEGE is more ready? man i just got dumber reading this.
  13. the post is titled "if preston ends up our starting C, who should be tha backup" so you want to waste a 2nd rd pick that we need on a backup? if preston is indeed our center we definitely wont be picking another one in the second round, perhaps you meant preston can move to guard if we get mangold, but you werent clear on that.
  14. it will probably be some cheap bullsh*t free agent that no one wants and we'll give him a 2 mil signing bonus
  15. thats funny, i was arguing in another post about someone saying huff was a reach at the 8th pick, and i said i think of him as an ed reed player, glad to see it doesnt take a genius
  16. wow, than i think someone will be getting themselves a real player for the spot they pick him. hope he can stay healthy, shouldnt be a problem since theres no !@#$ players that will take cheap shots at him in the nfl
  17. im becoming a little skeptical about ngata now. i worry about his injuries of course, but also that he's only a 2 down player. i dont see paying that much money to a player that is only on the field for 2 downs. bunkely on the other hand, can be used on all 3, since he stops the run and rushes the passer. i think bunkley will give us more production, i dont really see ngata chasing down ball carriers or a QB. Finally, i worry the most the we just want ngata cuz he is huge, and we have no one else, and i think those are the wrong reasons in choosing a player.
  18. kiwi's not even in this one??? am i missing something lol
  19. kiwi drops to 2nd round???? mark my words.... the bills will never ever ever draft claude wroten, that pot-head definitely wont be picked by marv, i dont know why i keep seeing him go to us in these dumb mock drafts.
  20. you want a receiver to replace moulds....... calvin johnson would make us forget about him real quick
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