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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. My list: - DT (cant start tim anderson, just cant) - SS (Gandy is an adequate LT, Coy Wire is not an adequate SS) - LG (Would like to upgrade Bennie, if that means a LT and Gandy shift in thats fine too)
  2. now if you can just convince the vikings he is worth that
  3. I dont know about this, we have the young big 3 in losman, mcgahee, and evans. It seems to me there a lot of hope in the young talent on this team and not just JP. Im not saying anything, but keep in mind holcomb had virtually the same stats, i know he gave us more of a "chance to win" but i wouldnt say JP was awful This is what I really want to discuss. You are absolutely right and wrong. So you think that we should give a 1st round pick the same amount of time as a 4th rounder? absolutely not, of course we wouldnt give 2 craps if he wasnt picked in the first round, but is that wrong? we pay way more money for a 1st rounder and the player has way more upside to him, so naturally as fans and an organization, we will try anything to help him develop, and yes he should get more time than a guy picked in another round. thats just the way it is.
  4. Never, I was implying that once that happens, instead of the star player defending himself, the team enforcer would do so. Looks like you're the one that is comprehensively challenged I guess the refs have been forgetting not to call the two line pass for the past decades, and they ignored the big goalie equipment too Do you watch hockey at all? You're telling me a fight doesnt break out when a big burely defenseman messes with the opposing team's star player? Once again.... comprehensively challenged i guess This argument is going nowhere on both sides, we can argue forever, it is clear that we just have different opinions. I dont know why you feel the need to attack a person instead of what they are arguing, I did so to defend myself, maybe the big bully posters will slowly be removed just like in hockey, it would be better that way .........JUST kidding
  5. proving my point again um....... no not really, like i said previous, it is a fact that there is no empirical evidence to support it So now the greatest player to ever play the game doesnt know what he's talking about either, man you just know it all dont you Oh really? so fan attendance wasnt at an all time low and tv ratings were doing great right...... i think that is a diminishing fan base That is a completely separate sport..... which CONSISTS OF COMPETITIVE FIGHTING, which is where it belongs. Can you contradict yourself a little more please, you're making me look good
  6. lets assume spikes can never play again, our LB's would be the same as last year, fletcher, crowell, and posey..... which is not as bad as our o-line or d-line.
  7. What the hell are you talking about? i said i was an educated hockey fan, and that I did not feel the need to justify why. So what are you talking about no hockey qualifications? recruit as a fan? you're making absolutely no sense, way to jump in at the end. And why did it suck..... because there were no goals being scored, clutching and grabbing was not being called, and the star players couldnt do what they do best because they would end up in confrontation from a non-skilled defenseman And why is it better now...... these new rules you are talking about has made it so that the players can play without a lack of primitave behavior, and that is exactly what is is. Im sorry the big slow defenseman got angry because the skilled foreward skated around him and made him look silly. Instead of turning around and beating the crap out of him, why dont you just replace him with a faster, less meat headed skilled player on defense, which is exactly what is happening, thus, eliminating childish fights.
  8. First off i'd like to say that you know when you're winning an argument when your opponent stops attacking what you're saying and starts attacking you. I am a very knowledgeable and educated hockey fan. I will not specify my “qualifications” to you. The point is that people like you will apparently assume that anyone who does not share their opinion simply does not know as much as you do, no matter what the evidence may indicate to the contrary. So....... your argument is that fighting in hockey, a one on one fight, is ok. No cheap shots, sticks, or brawls, but two guys going at it is perfectly fine. I have often heard people say that "fighting eliminates cheap shots." I have never seen an article of evidence to support this theory, empirical evidence that is, and the evidence presented to support this theory is anecdotal. I will never be able to convince you of my "qualifications for hockey knowledge," but I'm sure that you might be able to believe hockey's greatest player in Wayne Gretzky when he says, "“We have such a poor image in California and the United States, just because we allow fighting. We don’t need it any more.” I have also heard people say that fighting is a part of the game. Gretzky is clearly implying that fighting is a choice, and it can be removed. It is not good for the game, and this can be proved by looking at the diminishing fanbase over the last 10 years, and now that it is for the most part taken out, hockey is now making a comeback.
  9. i clearly remember you saying so in other words, fighting and incidents like this are good because when someone doesnt follow the rules they "pay" for them.... good one. i meant that the bertuzzi incident didnt involve sticks and the mcsorley incident was one on one and didnt involve a brawl, my mistake that i wasnt clear. and your ability to critically understand an argument is about as good as your football knowledge if you agree with me, then why are you arguing with anything im saying, seems dumb to me thats all.
  10. huff all the way davis would make our offense better, but without him it wouldnt be that bad huff would make our defense a whole lot better, but without him we would be terrible (coy wire)
  11. i dont know, thats more of a relief/satisfaction, plus its better because your too drunk to smell the stench, but then again, probably too drunk to properly wipe your ass too lol
  12. congrats, you officially made a post in which you have nothing to say worth while ok first, i play hockey, but even if i didnt, who learns about it through CNN i dont have anything else to say, i dont know how you can think that the incident that happened here should be justified, its disgusting. if you think it is wrong then you agree with me. if you dont, then oh well, we have opposing views that arent going to change by going back and forth.
  13. it would be easier finding a marv costume than one with ralph's gigantic ears
  14. i feel the same way, and with marv loving the ST im surprised he wasnt signed a little earlier good move
  15. you know what that means............ we'll be drafting ngata with the 8th pick
  16. i think just a healthy body in our offense will fill the hole of injured TE
  17. i found this a little interesting: no eric moulds...... interesting, i know hes more than likely about to leave, but as of now he's still on the team.
  18. i agree with reyes, we need to get some guards in here quick, young and old.
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