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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. yes, please keep the next ed reed out of buffalo, we dont need em'. we are fine with coy wire............. yeah look what those huge run stuffers did in chicago
  2. and then when he tried to be a #1 WR and couldnt get open they played "welcome to the jungle"
  3. actually its not bad, i usually hate the bills hats
  4. you are not making any sense. you say that the bills can take their time with moulds, but will cut him before the season starts...... you end up proving my point that the bills have no leverage because moulds will sit out and not participate, and we will end up cutting him.
  5. i dont know what it is, but i have seen a few people blowing up already if it was a 5th.
  6. every year i wait to see who is cut june 1st, but i have heard from a few people on the board that people wont be cut like in years past because of something dealing with the CBA agreement. Does anyone know if there will be cuts or wont, or what the deal is this year?
  7. no, you are wrong because this is a different situation. It's not as if moulds will play for us and we just want to see what we can get. We need to get rid of him, he doesnt want to be here, and if we sit with him he will be a cancer to our team allllll yeaaaaar loooooong. We cant afford to not return phone calls, because his vaule will go down. The texans and everyone else in the league know we have to cut him, the only reason they are willing to make a trade is because they dont want the competition in free agency, hence the low round pick. it is the texans or any other team that has the advantage here not us, they dont need moulds, its not a life or death situation. They do not care if we dont return phone calls, they will just move on.
  8. i know a lot of people are upset that we only got a 5th for moulds, but look at it this way. We could have gotten nothing and now we have a chance to get a quality player, i know that these are the following good 5th round picks and there are bad ones also, but we might get lucky. 2005: -DE Trent Cole (gave a great pass rush) -S Gerald Sensabaugh (starting S) -LB Michael Boley 2004: -S Gibril Wilson (another starting S) -DT Chad Lavalais -S Erik Coleman (another starting S) 2003: -S Terrence Holt -DE Robert Mathis -WR Justin Gage -DT Kindal Moorehead -OT Jordan Black -OC Dan Koppen -WR Doug Gabriel there are others, but like i said we might luck out, we might not. I think the only negative thing you can take from this is that the 5th rounder probably wont make an impact immediately. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
  9. well he definitely has passion, you cant ask for anything more
  10. i think anyone on the chiefs line that can make larry johnson rush for 1800 yards in 8 or 9 games is better than someone on our line
  11. thank you, i wish people could understand this........ so frustrating
  12. no i know what you mean, the first time i saw it i wasnt wild about it until i started thinking back, then when i saw it the second time i thought it was great. if you have the time i'd say try to sit through a little more it will be a good laugh.
  13. People's speech such as: - "pitcher" instead of picture - "punkin" instead of pumpkin - "these ones" is not correct, its these - "i had went" - "i seen" - the people from philly or jersey that say "wooder" for water - the people from buffalo that sound the same when they say "bear" and "beer" because for some reason we say "a" weird - i think i do this, but the people that say "shtreet" instead of street - my italian family that says "you's" or "you's guys" i know there's more i just cant think of them right now lol
  14. "you know how i know you're gay......" i loved those lines
  15. Lindy is absolutely right here, someone has to say something, and you know it cant be a player. I've never heard him that mad before. I didnt see the hit, but i hope jochen turns out to be ok, guys like tucker who have done the same sh*t for years disgust me.
  16. haha me too, i sit there and watch like i dont know whats going to happen
  17. cool, then he can play safety for a year and when he doesnt tackle we can move him to corner when we dont re-sign clements, problem solved lol
  18. hey, if we can get huff with our 8th, lineman the rest of the draft is fine by me
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