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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. yeah, thats buffalo for ya, always worrying about the negative since we always lose, i do it too. Just got to weed through the crap i guess, but im really excited about the draft, and i guess you could look at it this way........ it doesnt matter who we draft, good or bad, we need so much help right now that whoever we draft will probably help us, so we really cant lose lol, thats the extreme though. Sometimes we forget that things havent actually happened yet even though we worry about them. The team hasnt moved anywhere yet, and we didnt go 0-16 in the upcoming season, we also didnt draft jay cutler. Just focus on the positive, we have a young team with an experienced staff and a draft coming up where we could really help ourselves.
  2. i think he secretly means he cant promise us we will stay
  3. so basically a rookie goalie who is in his first season as a starting goaltender, and played unbelievable by the way, is not allowed a slump? someone should have told that to eddie belfour the last 5 years.
  4. i really like kindal moorehead and i think a 5th is well worth it
  5. man thats small just kidding i know what you mean lol, but the thing is that aiken doesnt play big if you know what im talking about. Evans to me plays bigger than what he is. He's only listed at 5'11'' but can jump for the ball, i dont see that ability with aiken, maybe its just because he hasnt had the reps yet but i just dont see him as a threat.
  6. calvin johnson is an animal, i would LOVE to have him
  7. and can we please see who we draft this year before we talk about next year
  8. that is a totally ridiculous statement to make a month before the draft and just losing our #1 receiver. however, i feel it would be pointless to draft a TE in a round other than the 1st or maybe 2nd because you are left with basically the same players that are on our roster now. So i feel like we can draft a TE, and if you think that we would pass on a vernon davis because we have a blocking TE and 2 injured TE's on our roster you're crazy.
  9. i like him beacuse his negatives dont apply on our team, we dont need him to block at all, we have royal. All we need him to do is catch TD's in the redzone and in the middle of the field, he would be able to play to his strengths with us.
  10. man that list really sucks, but if thats all we have i'd take a look at dez white and randy hymes
  11. i'd like to come out of the draft with: - 2 DT's - 2 OG's - 1 OT - 1 S (it would be good if we could get 2) - 1 big WR - 1 RB for depth possibly a CB as well or DE
  12. yeah thats understandable, personally i feel DT is the bigger need, but im just not sold on ngata or bunkley thats why i say huff is a better value at the 8th pick and maybe we can get a DT in the second or 2 in the 3rd. i guess i feel like everyone wants ngata because he is a run stuffer. well if thats all he does, cant we get that somewhere else, i mean if we want a big body why do we have to use our first round pick on it.
  13. i hope you are kidding, but if you're not..... bowen = huff? i think not.
  14. your opinion of huff is fine, if you feel that he does not live up to the hype and i do there is nothing we can do, i would draft him, you wouldnt. the point i was making about chicago was you said you wanted ngata at 8 and talked about how chicago's defense was so great at stopping the run. I meant that chicago didnt use big run stuffers such as ngata, so why cant we do the same thing.
  15. i love mcgee..... see pic..... but whats to stop david carr from just throwing it up to moulds when he is covered? i think moulds can really take it to mcgee physically if he wanted to. Moulds' physical play and ability to jump over and come down with the football has been the staple of his play here in buffalo for the last 10 years. i know he is aging but hes not that old yet. it will be fun to see, i hope mcgee shuts him down.
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