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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. i could really care less, im sure he'll shut his yap when we win the series
  2. yeah i dont see anyone on that list worth signing that can do anything for us
  3. i dont want to see edmonton in the finals, to me roloson would be the hardest goalie we've gone up against, he can actually move laterally
  4. E. Smith is one of the greatest backs ever, period.
  5. why is her boob in the side of her chest her boobs look like turtle eyes
  6. how dumb are the eagles..... wow, the trade a player for a WR who was undrafted?? first if they liked baskett that much why didnt they draft him? then since they didnt draft him, why didnt they bring him in as a FA?? thank god this wasnt the bills
  7. You dont make players play in situations that dont suit their strengths, especially just because he was a 1st round pick. Willis was a 1st round pick because he is a great runner. Can he catch the ball? sure...... can he block? maybe a little... but he is not a great at them and they are not his strengths. He is not that all around back like Tomlinson or Edgerrin James and that is not taking anything away from him. On 3rd and 3, hes in there.... on 3rd and 4, hes in there.... but on 3rd and 12 it makes no sense to have him in the game when he does nothing for your passing game, shaud williams does. This does not mean shaud williams is a better back than willis, or willis sucks, it means that in one scenario out of many that may occur in a game, shaud has an advantage. Running back is a different position, and they do get drafted sometimes to be a part time player as you call it. - Being touted as the "best college football player" some have ever seen, and should have been the number one overall selection, Reggie Bush has been a part time player his whole career and will continue to be. Now Deuce McCallister will be as well, both 1st round picks. If its 4th and inches do you give Reggie the ball? of course not, it's not his strength. Throw lendale white in here too, if it werent for his hamstring and character problems, this "part time player" could have been a top 5 pick. - The NFL's leading rusher in Sean Alexander is also a "part time player" and fits in the same scenario as Willis. On 3rd and more than 6 was he in the game? no.... Maurice Morris was, because he was a better option in that situation. - In 2004 the best rushing team in the NFL was the Atlanta Falcons, who used TJ Duckett and Warrick Dunn, both 1st round picks. Obviously we know what they were used for and their strengths and weakness contrast each others. - Last example, one of the NFL's all time leading rushers in Jerome Bettis is going to take his "part time" career to the Hall of Fame. Point being, it doesnt matter that he was a 1st round pick, he wasnt in the game on 3rd and long because we had other players that played out in that situation better. This does not mean we wasted a pick, or willis is a horrible player, its just the way it is. He is a great runner, not a 3rd down back.
  8. I cant believe with all the hype around our team, Rome talks about the sabres for 2 mins and then spends the rest of the time asking Drury about his little league baseball championship in 1989, what a moron.
  9. i liked shaud williams in the 3rd down role last year. i think 3rd and short is where willis needs to be used, but anything 6 yards and over i like shaud. Shaud gives us better versatility in what we want to do, he was great at running the draws and screens. When we know we have to pass on 3rd down shaud is the man, he is a better receiver and a better blocker.
  10. drive through during the night and see the sights so the city doesnt look so bad i hate the fact that other people hate buffalo
  11. and maybe then we'll never have to hear the name Ted Nolan again
  12. nice post, i hope Ruff gets coach of the year
  13. Think about it. The Ravens system plays out exactly the way you describe it here, a power running game with Jamal Lewis and a young inexperienced QB in Boller, they obviously would run more than they would pass. Run blocking and drive blocking are Bennie Anderson's strenghts apparently, yet they cut him, what does that tell you? How does a lineman who can only drive block get cut from a drive blocking team??? HE SUCKS! thats why. Give up on him, every fan in buffalo and baltimore has.
  14. no way that Nall is number 1, but the top 3 are there a guy who has never played FB before can make an NFL roster as one? you've got to have more than 5 WR's on a team. Jauron has already made it clear we will use a lot of multiple receiver sets. Most teams keep 6, last year we kept 7. 16 guys here for our front 7
  15. They used him at WR for most of his tryout. I think thats a better position for him because even though he is considered a better passer than Mike, i dont think he posesses the brain to grasp an NFL offense. Out of all the NFL cities for a problem child to go to, Miami has to be the worst It should be interesting to see if he can do anything at WR
  16. all these movies suck, lets get some comedy in here
  17. i cant remember what i was watching, cold pizza maybe? Anyways someone was saying that smith was a sure fire HOFer unfortunately i just watched mike and mike and they just mentioned that exact same points that i did, oh well
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