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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. oh like eric moulds, lawyer milloy, and sam adams have you read any newspapers, listened to any radio shows, or talked to any of your friends about this situation? Im guessing you havent because almost all of buffalo must be following the posters on this site then because almost everyone has these same feelings that JP should be the starter, not just on this board, its all of buffalo. Does it occur to you that everybody just agrees, and that they are smart enough to realize that there is no chance in hell holcomb will be the starter?
  2. Yeah, but i was also standing next to him at the fence after practice so i got a good view of what he looked like with his shoulder pads off. I remember thinking his arms used to be huge but not anymore.
  3. i watched him in the individual drills and he is huge, he looked very comfortable catching the balls and never struggled. During the 7-7 and 11-11 i didnt see him get any balls but if he did it wasnt much.
  4. i'd say anderson still has the number 2 job by default, but i wouldnt be suprised if when the regular season starts mCCargo takes the job. But also keep in mind that with the DT's it doesnt really matter who is the official number 2 because they will be rotating so much. i didnt really see denney at all, i dont know if it was because he wasnt making plays or i just wasnt watching him. Ive got to keep an eye on him in future practices and games, but based on the fact that he is "josh cooper" i'd say gandy should be embarrassed i didnt specifically watch him and denney but the reason i did was because he stood out on the right side. He looked very good over there, but it was against the second team, and he should have looked good.
  5. I went to the night practice tonight and i'll be there on saturday as well, here's some things i noticed. - Both Losman and Holcomb were good at times and sucked at times. However, i liked a few things from JP that i didnt see last year. He never even came close to running, just stepped aside and threw. Also he threw a beautiful touch pass that he layed over 2 defenders and under another to Jonathan Smith who was in the middle.... thats right i said JP and touch pass in the same sentence. Bad things from JP was inconsistency and accuracy, he threw a couple passes into the ground. - Spikes and Crowell switched at playin the strong side and weak side. - Fletcher is listed at 5'9'' and Crowell at 6'1'', but anyone who gets the chance to look at them i swear crowell is only a half inch to an inch taller than fletcher, i dont know if that means crowell is shorter or fletcher is taller but i just noticed it. - Jonathan Smith looked real good, and i wouldnt be suprised to see him playin reciever this year in some areas. - DE Joshua Cooper looked like an all star. I literally couldnt believe my eyes, he put a move on mike gandy where the whole crowd gave an "ooooooooo". The next play he ran around gandy like he was cemented to the ground. I dont know who this guys is or where he came from, but for one practice at least, he looked real good, i'll be watching him closely on saturday to see how much of a fluke this was. -Brad Butler is a putz. - Peerless looked better than i expected, actually made some nice catches, a few even over the middle. - Ryan Nuefeld looks like he is on steroids, he is an absolute beast, too bad he cant play. - I dont know what happened to Brad Cieslak in the last year but he looks a 100 times better. -Willis McGahee is ridiculously thin, and yes believe the hype that he is faster and his burst is back because it is. - They've got Chris Kelsay at RE on the 2nd team. - Tripplett is a beast and McCargo is so quick off the line, kyle williams look decent also. - Personally i still dont think kevin everett is fully recovered, i didnt see anything from him and his left (i think) calf is still significantly smaller from not being on his leg for some time. - I just dont know what josh stamer has to do to get on the field. I said this last year as well but i honestly think with our good LB's corps he could go to another team and start. Hope this helps, remember this was also just one practice, so dont get too excited or disappointed, lets see some games!!! Go Bills.
  6. good because the one that came out last year sucked
  7. i'll be there tonight as well, and also on saturday
  8. Lets all just relax, if he was this good or has this much upside as a signing he would have been in someone else's camp by now. My point is yes, this seems like a decent signing, but lets not get too crazy here, he is a backup fullback.
  9. ew....... michael vick has herpes......
  10. im glad we have the right to bear arms........ however they cant be loaded
  11. i could be accurate throwing a 5 yard hitch to josh reed when the rest of the league can throw more than 20 yards...... with the exception of chad pennington of course
  12. havent missed a camp since i was 8 years old, i go every year, sometimes even more than once
  13. To answer the original poster's question, i would be upset if Jim Leonhard got cut, i really like the kid. He is smart, fast, tackles well, and would do anything the bills asked him to do.
  14. how do you figure that? we will most likely keep 6 wr's like every team does evans, price, parrish, reed, davis, nance (or whomever)
  15. i'd have to go with anytime there is a player saying that "tampa bay must be unhappy with him" or something to that effect. the first post about mike willliams was absolutely hilarious, but now that everyone uses it unnecessarily ruined it and makes me want to vomit, it isnt funny.
  16. ok not really but i needed people to look at this with all the uni threads happening, what happened i thought these suggestions were for sure, and i love almost every one of them. if you scroll down the page you can click on teh jersey and logo ideas. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt...2006-23,GGLR:en
  17. why would she admit this? isnt this a diss to her? i mean come on, she was so bad that he turned gay
  18. yea, especially since there was a 15 yr old involved..... oh wait, travis went one age lower
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